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  • 全面性:网站上涵盖了教育系统内外的大量信息资源,包括政策文件、教学资源、学校库等;
  • 权威性:作为教育部直属事业单位,网站发布的信息具有一定的权威性和可信度;
  • 实用性:网站上提供了大量的教学资源和课程设计,对于教师和学生具有很高的实用价值;
  • 互动性:网站构建了教育资源交流的平台,教育工作者和学生可以进行资源分享和交流互动。



  • 教育工作者可以通过该网站获取到最新的教育政策文件和教学资源,提升教学水平;
  • 教育管理者可以通过该网站了解教育行业的最新动态,指导学校的发展规划和教育改革;
  • 学生家长可以从网站获得子女教育方面的建议和指导,关注学校的招生政策和教学质量;
  • 广大学生可以从网站获取到丰富的学习资源和课外拓展的机会,丰富自己的校园生活。





China teachs website introduction

Website of state religion Yo is institution of directly under of Chinese Ministry of Education in, it is to teach a branch to face a society, face the educational system, window that faces teaching staff knead dough to provide a service to broad student and platform. Its government website isWww.edu.cn. Branch of Yo of the state religion in regarding as is in charge of teaching one of informatization construction, main platform that advance educational modernization, the construction that China teachs Yo website and the informatization that develop to teach a career to promoting and modern level rose to urge action actively.

China teachs the content of the website and characteristic

Website of state religion Yo includes substantial educational information natural resources in, cover information of scientific research of code of natural resources of educational information, education, policy, education, school to wait for many respects. Its characteristic basically reflects in the following respects:

  • Comprehensive sex: The much information natural resources that teachs systematic inside and outside was covered on the website, include library of natural resources of policy document, education, school to wait;
  • Authority: Regard directly under of Ministry of Education as the institution, the information that the website releases has certain authority and reliability;
  • Practical: Many education natural resources and curricular design were offerred on the website, have very high economic value to teacher and student;
  • Interactive sex: Website compose built the platform that teachs resource communication, teaching staff and student can undertake resource is shared interact with communication.

China teachs the influence of the website and action

Website of state religion Yo regards the government of door of Ministry of Education as the website in, to teaching staff, education parent of controller, student and wide undergraduate have main effect and effect:

  • The teaching staff can get newest educational policy document and education resource through this website, promote education the standard;
  • Educational controller can understand the newest trends that teachs a trade through this website, the development of directive school plans and teach reform;
  • Student parent can obtain children to teach the proposal of the respect and guidance from the website, pay close attention to the recruit students policy of the school and education quality;
  • Broad student can get the chance that substantial study natural resources and extracurricular extend from the website, the campus that abounds oneself lives.


Website of state religion Yo regards the government of door of Ministry of Education as platform in, bearing the weight of substantial educational information natural resources, teach the port with raise educational quality and level to be had modernization of informatization, stimulative education, principal to driving. In hoping to pass thorough knowledge, the country teachs a website, can hold the development tendercy that teachs a trade better, serve the development at teaching a career better thereby.

Thank you to read the article, in hoping to be able to help you understand better, the country teachs a website, hold the newest trends that teachs a trade.

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