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Indian cate is famed with its rich and changeful taste and distinctive cooking craft at the world. From sweet the pleasant dot of hot season expect sweetness, indian dish showed the diversity of dietary culture and rich sex. The article will guide you to explore the marrow of Indian cate, understand its characteristic and fascination.

Terrain distinguishing feature

Indian region is vast, the cate culture of different area has distinguishing feature each. Northward dish is like the curry with abundant oil and scone, developed Islamic dish and the milk products tradition that develop flourishingly. Southern dish is given priority to with rice, coco and seafood should feed capable person, taste is delicate and diversiform. The cate of the eastpart part pays attention to seafood and desert, and western it is characteristic with barbecue and scone. The cate of region of every cultivate land developed its distinctive district culture and tradition.

The evil spirit of flavor

Flavor is the soul of Indian cate, the use that season expects makes dish mouthfeel rich and changeful. Acrimony Zi like that, lilac and Chinese cassia tree interweave each other, those who added dish is complex spend and deepness. In addition, ginger, garlic, chili and fabaceous cardamom seed also are applied extensively, gifted for food peculiar aroma and flavour. These flavor gifted not only the mouthfeel with Indian distinctive dish, also have at the same time combat oxidation and the healthy effect such as digestive auxiliary.

Staple food and fastfood

Indian staple food basically is rice and cooked wheaten food, be like accept just, Indian thin pancake and cracker. Dish of these staple food collocation, abounded dietary diversity. In addition, india still is had various fastfood, include soya-bean cake of curry horn, deepfry and blast area ball to wait. These fastfood technology that make are distinctive, taste is grumous, it is an Indian the important one part in daily life.

Sweet pleasant is nodded

The Indian is having distinctive passion to the desert, the desert holds significant position on Indian table. Desert sort of India is various, if flummery of Lu Kedi, praline, biscuit and Mu are carried. These desert mouthfeel are rich, sweet spend moderate, often match flavor and nutlet, feel with grumous satisfaction to the person.


Indian cate makes a person with its diversity and uniqueness infatuate. Match to flavor from terrain distinguishing feature, nod to sweet pleasant again, indian cate is the gem in world cate undoubtedly. Those who hope the article can bring you pair of India cate is brand-new understanding, thank you read.
