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东风汽车集团历史: 东风汽车集团成立于1969年,总部位于湖北武汉,是中国最早的汽车生产基地之一。经过数十年的发展,东风汽车集团已经成为中国乃至全球汽车行业的翘楚。

公司业务: 东风汽车集团主要从事乘用车、商用车、客车和相关零部件的研发、生产和销售,旗下拥有多家知名的汽车品牌,涵盖了不同细分市场和消费群体。

技术创新: 作为中国汽车行业的领导者之一,东风汽车集团一直致力于技术创新和可持续发展。在新能源汽车、智能驾驶、车联网等领域,东风汽车集团也都取得了令人瞩目的成就。

市场地位: 东风汽车集团在中国市场拥有强大的影响力,其产品覆盖全国各地,并远销海外市场。在中国汽车产业发展史上,东风汽车集团都扮演着举足轻重的角色。

未来展望: 面对汽车行业的快速变革和全球竞争,东风汽车集团将继续坚持创新驱动,不断提升产品质量和服务水平,以应对来自市场和技术层面的挑战,努力实现可持续发展。



Group of east wind automobile: Of Chinese automobile industry get army enterprise

Group of east wind automobile is the important participator in Chinese automobile industry, regard China as one of groups of 5 old cars, group of east wind automobile is made in the car, the respect such as sale and service has abundant actual strength and rich experience.

History of group of east wind automobile: Group of east wind automobile held water 1969, headquarters is located in Hubei Wuhan, it is one of China's earliest car production base. The course counts development of 10 years, group of east wind automobile has become the celebrity of China and even global automobile industry.

Company business: Group of east wind automobile basically is engaged in taking the research and development that uses car, commercial vehicle, passenger car and relevant component, production and sale, many famous car brand is owned below the banner, covered different fractionize market and consumptive group.

The technology innovates: Regard Chinese car as one of leaders of the industry, group of east wind automobile devotes oneself to to the technology innovates and can develop continuously all the time. Drive in car of new energy resources, intelligence, the domain such as car couplet net, group of east wind automobile also gained the success that your person fixes eyes upon.

Market position: Group of east wind automobile has powerful force in Chinese market, its product enclothes countrywide each district, sell as far as to overseas market. On phylogeny of Chinese automobile industry, group of east wind automobile is acting decisive part.

Will not look into: Those who face automobile industry is fast change to compete with the whole world, group of east wind automobile will continue to hold to innovation drive, promote Wu of product quality kimono the standard ceaselessly, come from the challenge of the market and technical level in order to answer, come true hard can develop continuously.

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