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Renascence science and technology learns bully: How make trade of science and technology learn bully

In the development of change quickly of current science and technology the environment falls, make trade of a science and technology learn bully need learns ceaselessly and suit. No matter be software development, artificial intelligence or data science, need to replace knowledge and mastery of a skill or technique ceaselessly. It is a few effective methods that we arrange below, hope to be helped somewhat to you.

Develop solid fundamental mastery of a skill or technique

Make trade of science and technology learn bully, need to develop solid fundamental mastery of a skill or technique above all. This includes structure of computer ABC, programming language, data and algorithm to wait. To software developer, mastering a programming language adroitly is indispensable, for instanceJava, Python, C++Etc. And to data scientist or artificial intelligence engineer, the intellectual point such as structure of thorough understanding data and study of algorithmic, data analysis and mining, machine is crucial.

Learn ceaselessly, maintain open state of mind

The development change quickly of industry of science and technology, learn bully the position that needs to carry continuous study. This includes to read newest technical documentation, participate in the forward position trends inside domain of the discussion inside the industry and communication, attention to wait. In the meantime, maintain open state of mind, be happy to accept new thing, new idea, adjust oneself acknowledge and thinking pattern ceaselessly, such ability show itself in intense competitive environment.

Practice is to become learn bully crucial

Must become aware eventually on paper shallow, practice is to become learn bully crucial. Through participating in a project work of individual of practice, development, play the way such as process designing match, the intellectual translate into that will acquire is actual ability. Debug ceaselessly in actual project only, improve, ability masters skill truly and promote oneself. In the meantime, sum up experience lesson ceaselessly, the settlement that perfects oneself the ability of the problem.


Make trade of science and technology learn bully be not accomplish in one move, need is paid try hard indefatigably continuously. Through fostering strong fundamental technical ability, continuous study, maintain open state of mind and practice, ability shows itself in intense competition, become the person above average of the industry.

Thank you to read this article, hope the article can help what make trade of science and technology to you learn bully.

