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In recent years, bureau of Zhuhai city education is reformed in education and developed a respect to step solid pace, devote oneself to to provide more high grade education natural resources and education environment for the student. Pass indefatigable effort, zhuhai education bureau gained remarkable success on education quality not only, still groom in educational system reform, persons qualified to teach the job that waited for a respect to develop a series of influential power. The article discusses development bureau of Zhuhai city education to reform the practice with development domain and accomplishment in education, with period provide comprehensive understanding and reference for social all circles.

Teach system reform

Bureau of Zhuhai city education answers a country actively to teach reform policy, explore a foundation to teach system mechanism ceaselessly optimize and innovate. On one hand, drive the school to classify development of management, classification, what stimulative quality teachs is comprehensive carry out; On the other hand, aggrandizement teacher team is built, push reform of school management system, ceaseless promotion education governs a level. Pass these act, zhuhai education bureau is building modernization to teach a system to make positive contribution for compose.

Natural resources of high grade education is built

To satisfy the study requirement of student of disparate arrangement of ideas, bureau of Zhuhai city education builds a respect to throw a large number of energy in educational natural resources. The construction that increases pair of school hardware and software establishment is devoted, the standardization of stimulative education establishment and informatization are built. In the meantime, introduce the educational concept with advanced international and education natural resources actively, stimulative international teachs communication and collaboration, offer vaster development space and more for the student yuan study experience.

Faculty construction

Extend pedagogic major growing passageway, strengthen pedagogic profession to development plans and groom systematic construction, it is bureau of Zhuhai city education makes to improve quality of pedagogic team whole significant move. Groom through strengthening a teacher, incentive and outstanding teacher and introduce Gao Shuiping to teach a talented person, zhuhai education bureau builds gradually already the have both ability and moral integrity, outstanding teacher team that is full of innovation spirit again, those who be a student grow to escort the Emperor with development convoy.

Integrated quality trains the student

Bureau of Zhuhai city education is taught through boosting quality, pay attention to integrated quality education of the student, develop the innovation that has international competition ability person with ability hard. In course the respect such as method of setting, teaching and extracurricular activity undertakes be designed in order and be arranginged as a whole, guide a student to form the educational idea of full-scale development, arouse the student's creativity and practice ability, increase integrated quality of the student and social sense of responsibility.


Bureau of Zhuhai city education is in educational reform and development ceaseless before row, the outstanding character that its show and style of deal with concrete matters relating to work reform infuse for countrywide education powerful motive force. To educational bureau, still need to continue to strengthen practice innovation, promotion teachs education level, the full-scale development that is a student and country teach a career to make larger contribution. The hope is on development road of future, bureau of Zhuhai city education can continue to become the person that teach the navigate of reform and development, the good future that is a student is indefatigable hard.

Finally, thank you to read the article, the hope can understand better through the article and bureau of education of understanding Zhuhai city is teaching the efforts in reform and development and achievement.

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