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1. 如何预防儿童感冒?


  • 保持良好的卫生习惯: 教育儿童勤洗手,避免接触已经感冒的人。
  • 保持室内空气清新: 定期通风换气,避免密闭环境中病菌滋生。
  • 合理饮食: 提供均衡营养的饮食,增强免疫力。
  • 避免大型人群聚集: 减少病毒传播的可能性。

2. 儿童的视力保护应该注意哪些问题?

规律用眼: 长时间用眼后适当休息,避免持续近距离用眼。

保持良好的用眼环境: 确保充足的光线,避免阅读距离过近或过远。

进行定期的视力检查: 如果发现视力问题,及时就医。

3. 儿童饮食中应该注意哪些营养均衡的问题?

碳水化合物: 提供能量,主要来自谷类、薯类等食物。

蛋白质: 促进生长发育,主要来自肉类、禽类、蛋类、豆类等食物。

脂肪: 提供能量,帮助吸收脂溶性维生素,主要来自植物油、动物油脂等食物。

维生素和矿物质: 参与各种生理活动和代谢过程,主要来自各种蔬菜、水果以及全谷类食物。





Children health Xiaochang knows question and answer

The health of children gets attention fully all the time, and parents often face all sorts of problems about children health to feel bemused constantly. The question and answer of a few little common sense about children health will introduce for you below, the hope can bring a few helps to you.

1.How to prevent children cold?

Children cold is common healthy problem, can undertake precautionary through the following method normally:

  • Hold good wholesome convention: Educational children is diligent wash one's hands, avoid to contact the person that has caught a cold.
  • Maintain indoor air pure and fresh: Fixed and ventilated take a breath, avoid the bacteria in airtight environment to cause.
  • Reasonable food: Provide the food of balanced nutrition, enhance immune power.
  • Avoid large crowd to gather: Reduce the possibility that virus transmits.

2.What problem should the eyesight protection of children note?

The rule uses an eye: Rest for long appropriately with eye hind, avoid to last close quarters uses an eye.

Maintain the favorable environment that use an eye: Ensure enough light, avoid to read a distance too close or excessively long-distance.

Undertake periodic eyesight checks: If discover vision problem, timely seek medical advice.

3.The problem with what balanced nutrition should note in children food?

Carbohydrate: Provide energy, basically come from corn, potato kind wait for food.

Protein: Promote grow development, basically come from the flesh kind, birds kind, egg kind, the food such as legume.

Adipose: Provide energy, the help absorbs vitamin of fat dissolve sex, basically come from the food such as fat of vegetable oil, animal.

Vitamin and mineral: Participate in all sorts of physiology activities and metabolization process, basically come from all sorts of vegetable, fruit and complete corn edibles.


Understand children health little common sense carefully, the health that takes care of the child better to helping you is crucial. Hope interlocution of these little common sense can make you healthy to children have clearer knowledge, also can in actual life helps you.

Thank you to read this article, hope it can be helped somewhat to you.

