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Autumn Yo jewel: Great wisdom of nursery school little knowledge

Autumn is the crucial period of growing development of a child, also be the important level in nursery school education. Take care of the child better to help the parent, we arranged Yo of nursery school autumn jewel, covered the method that how answers child autumn to foster difficult problem and proposal.

Child healthIt is one of problems that the parent cares most, feel easily seasonal in autumn especially. Besides the attention indoor and ventilated, reasonable and tie-in clothings catchs a cold in case outside, nursery school should choose fluctuation time in food more, make sure the child absorbs enough nutrition, enhance immune power. In addition, time of scientific and reasonable work and rest and habits and customs grow to the child's health crucial also.

Expand educationIt is one of core assignments that nursery school teachs. If why promote the child's intelligence and physical ability development in autumn? This jewel will be you to be unscrambled in detail from the respect such as game, activity, homework, help parent finds the study that suits the child most and development method.

Affection communicationIt is the main component that the family teachs. The close connection of nursery school study and life makes the affection communication of the child and parent more show a key. How to build good parentage? How to guide the child to handle a mood correctly? Here also has a lot of practical proposals to waiting for you to explore.

How to help the child spend infancy autumn to foster difficult problem

Autumn Yo the jewel fosters knowledge and practical Yo for what the parent offerred science guideline, aim to help the parent better the actual condition according to the child, those who offer specific aim foster plan, let the child spend a health, happy autumn in nursery school.

Thank you to read the article, hope this autumn Yo the Yo that the jewel can be you the help that the road brings materiality.

