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盘点春秋娱乐: 传承千年的文化符号英文双语对照


盘点春秋娱乐: 传承千年的文化符号英文双语对照











Age recreation, regard Chinese tradition as one of marrow of culture, it is one of delegates of culture of recreation of Chinese ancient time. It is shirt-sleeve the element such as music, dancing, Thespian, food, bearing the weight of rich historical connotation and culture bequest. In current society, age recreation still is affecting the recreational life of people on certain level.

Age recreational is genetic

Year periodIt is an important period, the culture of this one period, politics, economy lives special rich and colorful. According to history record, in year period, age recreation form is diversiform, include dancing, music, musical instrument to perform, wait dramatically. These recreational forms go in palace noble midstream not only, also arrived deep in the life of civilian common people, made the one part that they live.

Age recreational element

Age recreation is shirt-sleeve a variety of elements, among them most extensive included music, dancing and Thespian. Musical respect, the musical instrument such as musical instrument, a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument, sheng, reed, bell is applied extensively, made the indispensable one part in recreational activities. Dancing is main form with dance music and ceremony dance, some gives priority to a problem with celebrating a bumper harvest, some with sacred for the purpose. And dramatic side, included drama of multiform the living theatre, singing and dancing and rich quyi performance.

Age recreational is affected

Age recreation is in lengthy development process, it is at that time not only the main component of culture art, also produced far-reaching effect to later ages at the same time. It laid a foundation for the development of form of later ages recreation not only, also waited for a respect to leave rich legacy in arena art, music, literature at the same time, traditional to Chinese culture continuance had crucial effect.

As a whole, age recreation regards Chinese tradition as the main carrier of culture, bearing the weight of not only rich historical connotation, the culture inheritance that also is current society and development brought far-reaching influence.

Thank you to read the article, the hope passes the introduction of the article, more can thorough ground understands age recreation, experience its to be in China the distinctive glamour in traditional culture.
