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Interlocution of life common sense

There are a lot of common sense problems in the life, whether can you give out right answer? Problem of common sense of a few lives will be solved for you below, hope the life to you is helped somewhat.

Problem 1: Why should drink 8 cups of water everyday?

The answer: The about 60 % in human body composition are water, accordingly we need to maintain moisture equilibrium to maintain the normal function of the body. And 8 cups of water are roughly standard, ensure human body has enough moisture to absorb, conduce to the metabolism with be maintained normal and health.

Problem 2: How to brush his teeth correctly?

The answer: Brush his teeth correctly means should use down tooth brush, brush his teeth every time time should be in 2-3 minute, brush twice at least everyday. In the meantime, should notice to use brush his teeth correctly pose, brush his teeth topsy-turvy wait for wrong way to may harm gum and tooth.

Problem 3: How to wash his hands correctly?

The answer: Wash his hands correctly need uses water of going from place to place and soap, knead ministry of wash one's hands with invisible soap and imperceptible water with soap 20 seconds at least, include the back of hand, point to seam and the place such as finger tip. Rinse clean with clear water later, use paper towel to wipe both hands.

Problem 4: Why should notice diet is balanced?

The answer: Food is balanced and OK help us obtain all sorts of nutrition, maintain the health of the body. Balanced diet conduces to the normal function that maintains the organ inside body and system, prevent the happening of the disease.

Problem 5: How to use fire control material correctly?

The answer: Use fire extinguisher correctly, the assurance that should help noisy fire extinguisher above all is sold, take fire extinguisher nozzle to aim the bottom of blaze next, press the handle that presses fire extinguisher forcibly at the same time. With rotate, the means that make a round trip sprays extinguishing chemical, till fire is put out.

Interlocution of common sense of hope above life can be helped somewhat to your life, the habits and customs that keeps good and accurate commonsensible knowledge will make our life more healthy with safety. Thank you read!

