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1. 整洁明亮: 玄关布局应该简洁明快,不宜过于杂乱。充足的光线也能带来良好的气场。

2. 疏通通道: 玄关不宜有过多的障碍物,保持一个宽敞明亮的通道能够让气场畅通。

3. 适宜装饰: 选择有寓意的装饰品,如镜子、绿植等,能够增添玄关的生气和活力。


1. 摆放吉祥物: 如“招财猫”、“聚宝盆”等,能够引进好运和财气。

2. 安放水槽: 在玄关内适当放置水槽,能够制造水的流动声音,代表财源滚滚而来。

3. 正确摆放镜子: 镜子反射能量,可以加速气场的流动,从而催旺财运。


1. 防止尖角: 尖角是煞气的聚集地,可以通过悬挂植物、挂画等方式化解煞气。

2. 避免暗箭: 避免门对正窗,使得外来负能量直冲室内,增加幸福感和正能量。





The importance with geomantic porch

Porch is the main component in household, it is bearing the weight of the gas field of whole household and money carry. A good porch can rise to dissolve the evil spirit gas, Chu Jucai gas, action that stops ab extra negative energy.

Porch is geomantic layout principle

1.Neat and bright: Porch layout should be concise lively, should not be too mixed and disorderly. Enough light also can bring good gas field.

2.Dredge passageway: Porch is unfavorable the fraise that has had many, maintain a capacious and bright passageway to be able to make gas field expedite.

3.Appropriate adornment: The choice has the adornment of the implied meaning, wait like mirror, green plant, can add the life of porch and vigor.

Action money is geomantic layout

1.Put mascot: Be like " the cat that enrol money " , " cornucopia " etc, can introduce lucky enrage with money.

2.Put cistern: Place cistern appropriately inside porch, can make the sound of going from place to place of water, represent exchequer surge and come.

3.Put a looking glass correctly: The mirror reflexes energy, can enrage the flow of field quickly, urge flourishing money use thereby.

Dissolve evil spirit gas geomantic layout

1.Prevent pointed role: Pointed horn is evil spirit gas collect the ground, can carry pensile plant, hang the means such as the picture to dissolve evil spirit gas.

2.Avoid attack by a hidden enemy: Avoid the door to be opposite window, make ab extra negative energy straight strong indoor, increase happiness feeling and energy.


Porch is geomantic not allow to ignore to the importance of household, equitable distribution can build harmonious household atmosphere, aid the shape up of force family health, job and life.

Thank you to read this article, the household life that hopes to be able to be you is brought a few be inspired benignantly and help.

