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American ensign

American ensign is American mark, also be American culture is indicative one of. The red white stripe on ensign and the courage that blue impression represents a state, chasteness and tough, and the country that the Stars and the Stripes is indicative United States unites as. American is having deep feeling to ensign, whenever main festival is mixed memorial, people is met pensile ensign, in order to express the passion to the country and respect.

The Statue of Liberty

The United States and French collaboration build the the Statue of Liberty, statue is representing freedom and democracy. The the Statue of Liberty is the ground mark of new York harbor not only, be American culture more is indicative one of. Her hand lifts torch, the foot steps on the chains of catenary, indicative light, freedom and liberate. The the Statue of Liberty is the United States of the sturdy belief to freedom and human rights indicative, also be the light of the hope in heart of immigrant of world each district.

Enlighten person Buddhist nun Eden

Dishinile represented recreational culture of the United States field, also be American culture output is indicative one of. Since first Dishinile opened garden in California city field 1955, dishini has become the whole world to have one of recreational brands of consequence most. Establishment of the cartoon part inside Eden, You Le and wonderful performance are attracting the tourist of global each district, delivering American joy, dream and creativity.


Hollywood is the pronoun of American film industry, also be the world what force has most in film industry is indicative one of. Regard the whole world as the largest movie industry base, hollywood modelled countless classic movies and star not only, also transmitting American culture, viewpoint of value and lifestyle. Hollywood film regards the important output of American culture as the form, what affecting audience of world each country deeply is aesthetic with value orientaton.

Snack culture

Snack culture is one of important delegates of American culture, also be one of the United States' most far-reaching to world influence parts. Beautiful type hamburger, fried chicken, potato wait for snack food to had spread all over the whole world, became the mainstream food culture of a lot of countries on the world. Snack culture represented fast rhythm life style of the United States not only, also passing social viewpoint of value of the United States and commercial culture on certain level.

Thank you to read the article, through understanding the 5 elephant of American culture to ask for, can know American society, viewpoint of value and way of life deep more, also have important referenced sense to be engaged in the personage of relevant industry.

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