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Scrolling through Instagram these days, I usually see a whole lot of banana bread, throwback photos, and completed puzzles. Hey, I'm not complaining! I'm glad people are finding simple but fun ways to stay entertained while staying inside. Heinz has also taken note of this, it seems, because the brand just made an all-red puzzle. 最近我在翻Instagram的时候,总会看到很多香蕉面包、复古照片和拼好的拼图。我不是在抱怨!我很高兴人们找到了宅在家能玩的简单有趣的娱乐活动。好像亨氏公司也注意到了这一点,因为该品牌推出了纯红色的拼图。 It goes without saying, but this puzzle is definitely not your average afternoon activity. Since all 570 pieces are the same red hue of the famous Heinz ketchup, putting it together might take a while since there are no images or lines to guide you. 不用说,这款拼图绝对不是普通的打发午后时光的东西。总共570块,都是一样的著名的亨氏番茄酱的红色,没有图片或线条的指导,想要拼好的确需要时间。 I know for a fact this puzzle isn't something I'd be into (I lack patience and know it would make me hungry) but I'd assume the same people that are into the jigsaw puzzle that is made with entirely clear pieces—yes, really. 我深知自己不会尝试(我没耐心,也知道它会让我感觉饿),但我觉得玩这款拼图的人平时就喜欢玩图片清晰的拼图,真的是这样。

The thing about this all red Heinz puzzle is that you can't just order it online or pick it up from the store, because puzzles are so popular right now Heinz is only offering this one through an online giveaway. There are 57 puzzles available total, in honor of the 57 varieties of Heinz that is labeled on every bottle. 这款纯红色亨氏拼图不能在网上预定,店里也买不到,因为现在太火爆了,亨氏只在网上赠送。一共有57张拼图,代表了亨氏瓶子上印的57种产品。 To win one of these torture kits puzzles, all you have to do is comment on the Heinz Instagram post showing off the red box who you would finish the puzzle with. It looks like a few people in the comments section have already won theirs, so it's unclear how many of the 57 are still available. 为了得到一张这个折磨人的拼图,你需要在亨氏Instagram上发的文章里评论,说说你会和谁一起完成拼图。好像评论区里有几个人已经获赠拼图了,所以不清楚这57张拼图还剩几个。 Either way, you might as well comment and see if you get lucky. After all, if you get your hands on a puzzle it'll keep you busy for a couple days at least! 不管怎样,你都可以去评论,看看自己有没有这个运气。毕竟,一旦开始拼,至少得忙几天了!
