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  • 失眠: 按摩心俞穴、神阙穴,泡脚。艾叶、熟地、当归、枸杞煮水泡脚对缓解失眠有一定效果。
  • 感冒: 中医讲究“辛散发散,苦泄泻热”,菊花、连翘、金银花煎水饮用,可以清热解毒。
  • 消化不良: 常用的中药食疗包括山楂、陈皮、泡藿香。
  • 月经不调: 当归、熟地、川芎、白芍等药物都有调经活血作用。






What is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine?

The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is a of China tradition medicine main component, it is the floorboard of medicine of Chinese ancient time. It includes traditional Chinese pharmacology, acupuncture to learn, massage learns to wait for many course, it is Chinese people carry out production and social life for a long time accumulate and crystallize.

Doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and daily life

In daily life, we encounter a few common healthy problems via regular meeting, and common sense of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is producing main effect in these problems.

Common and healthy problem and doctor of traditional Chinese medicine answer a method

  • Insomnia: Acupuncture point of massage heart Yu, god faulting acupuncture point, bubble foot. Foot of the bleb of Ai Xie, cultivated land, angelica, medlar that boil to alleviating insomnia has certain effect.
  • Cold: The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is exquisite " Xin San diverge, bitter have loose bowels is hot " , water of chrysanthemum, Forsythia suspensa, honeysuckle decoct is drinkable, can clear heat is alexipharmic.
  • Dyspeptic: Dietotherapy includes commonly used Chinese traditional medicine wrinkled giant hyssop of hawkthorn, dried tangerine or orange peel, bubble.
  • Menstruation does not move: The medicaments such as angelica, cultivated land, the rhizome of chuanxiong, root of herbaceous peony has effect of invigorate the circulation of blood of regulate the menstrual function.

Doctor of traditional Chinese medicine the importance to health

The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes " treat not ill " , pay attention to the whole that adjusts the body to balance, precaution excels cure. In modern society, the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine maintains health, recuperation to people the body is crucial.

Through understanding common sense of these doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, we can answer the healthy question in daily life better, adjust lifestyle actively, maintain health of body and mind.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can be your healthy life to bring a help through common sense of these doctor of traditional Chinese medicine.
