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Australia travels: Explore big fort reef

Australia is a state that has a variety of natural miracles, among them the famousest should belong to the world's oldest cay system --Big fort reef. Big fort reef is located in bank of Australian the East China Sea, it is Eden of an intertropical and marine biologic, before attracting countless dive lover, will explore its mysterious beauty.

Australia travels: Experience Sydney opern

Sydney opern is one of buildings of Australian mark sex, also be one of the famousest performance art centers on the world. Build the beauty of the design of itself besides appreciation, the tourist still can view and admire performance of all sorts of worlds' top-ranking concert, operatic, dancing to wait here, bring the sumptuous dinner of seeing and hearing of be personally on the scene to the person.

Australia travels: Explore natural scene

Besides big fort reef and Sydney opern, australia still has view of a lot of nature of other exclamatory making a person, the park of country of gram radar hill of the ocean road that is like Victoria city, Dasimaniya and on the west Australian Po this wait. These places are outdoors lover and cameraman people heaven, let you be enmeshed in natural beauty, experience the uncanny workmanship of nature.

The wild vivid plant with the natural scene with its diversification, individual Australia and rich aborigines culture and famed at the world. If you want to one is full of adventure and surprizing viatic experience, so Australia is a destination that nots allow to miss absolutely.

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