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1. **合理安排训练时间**:每周至少3-4次中级强度的训练,每次持续45-60分钟。

2. **注重全面性训练**:包括核心训练、肌肉群交替训练,避免过度偏重某个部位。

3. **保证充足休息**:训练间要保证至少一天的休息,让肌肉有时间恢复生长,避免过度疲劳造成伤害。

4. **坚持定时餐饮**:合理的饮食搭配对于中级健身者至关重要,要保证足够的蛋白质和碳水化合物摄入。


1. **避免负重过重**:在无氧训练中,负重不宜过重,应该根据自身状况慢慢增加负重训练的强度。

2. **保证正确姿势**:在进行力量训练时,保证动作的标准化和正确性,避免受伤。

3. **科学记录训练进度**:要做好训练笔记,及时调整训练计划,根据自身反应进行调整。




If you had mastered gymnastical ABC, consider further in gym him challenge, plan of so intermediate fitness will be you next optimal choice. Intermediate fitness plans to be able to help you achieve gymnastical goal better, raise fitness, enhance muscle strength and staying power.

Intermediate fitness plans content

Intermediate fitness plan basically is divided to have oxygen is mixed without oxygen two much. Motion having oxygen includes to canter, row etc, can raise heart lungs function and use up adipose; The motion that do not have oxygen basically is force training, model through loading training will strengthen muscle strength and bodily form.

Intermediate fitness plans a proposal

1.** reasonable arrangement trains time ** : Every week at least 3-4 second the training of intermediate intensity, last every time 45-60 minute.

2.** pays attention to comprehensive sex to train ** : Include core training, muscle group alternant training, avoid excessive lay particular stress on a certain place.

3.** assures to rest amply ** : Train a rest that should assure at least one day, let muscle time restores to grow, avoid excessive exhaustion to cause harm.

4.** holds to time meal ** : Reasonable food is tie-in to intermediate fitness person crucial, want to make sure enough protein and carbohydrate are absorbed.

Intermediate fitness plans a note

1.** avoids to load overweight ** : In training without oxygen, load unfavorable and overweight, should increase slowly according to oneself state load the intensity of training.

2.** assures correct pose ** : When undertaking force trains, assure behavioral standardization and validity, avoid to get hurt.

3.** science records training plan ** : Want to make good training note, adjust training in time to plan, according to oneself reaction undertakes adjustment.

Intermediate fitness plan is the transition to advanced fitness target, need sufficient preparation and scientific guidance. When afoot class fitness plans, must pay attention to individual difference, avoid to follow suit blindly and train a plan unscientificly. Take exercise scientificly only, nutrition is absorbed and rest to just can raise fitness and implementation fitness target truly amply.

Thank you to read the article, hope this article makes intermediate fitness plan to be helped somewhat to you.

