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无锡拥有丰富的旅游资源,其中以鼋头渚、太湖风光最为著名。游玩鼋头渚,可以欣赏到迷人的太湖美景,感受浓厚的江南水乡风情;太湖风光则是无锡最大的自然名片,可以游览多个景区,如三国城、太湖鼋渚梦幻岛等。 此外,无锡还有无锡蠡湖湿地公园、无锡梅园、无锡中央电视塔、无锡大报恩寺和无锡荡口古镇等值得一去的景点。在游玩时,游客可以选择包车或者乘坐当地的公交、地铁系统,非常便捷。


无锡美食以清淡、鲜美著称,其中最有代表性的就是无锡杀生丸子、无锡三鲜汤圆、无锡锅巴菜、无锡烤鸭等。此外,无锡的小笼包、蟹粉汤、太湖银鱼、焖鱼头也是不可错过的特色美食。 无锡的美食以其独特的风味和丰富的选材吸引着众多游客前来品尝,无论是街头小吃还是高档餐厅都能让人流连忘返。





Without stannic general situation

Without stannum, be located in Jiangsu to visit the heart region of area of economy of delta of the south, the Yangtse River, it is China first historical culture famous city, also be city of park of famous city of national history culture, state and national sanitation city. The element that do not have stannum has " too lake bright phearl " beautiful praise, it is a modern town that fills glamour.

Amuse oneself strategy

Have rich travel resource without stannum, small piece of land surrounded by water with soft-shelled turtle head among them, too lake view is most well-known. Head of amuse oneself soft-shelled turtle smalls piece of land surrounded by water, can admire attractive too lake beautiful scenery, experience amorous feelings of grumous Changjiang Delta a region of rivers and lakes; Too lake scene is not to have the natural calling card with the biggest stannum, can visit many scene area, be like city of the Three Kingdoms, too island of unreal of Zhumeng of lake soft-shelled turtle. In addition, still have lake of the gourd ladle that do not have stannum without stannum the wet park, Mei Yuan that do not have stannum, without stannum the television tower central, pay a debt of gratitude greatly without stannum temple and the tourist attraction that swing an ancient town equivalence to must go without stannum. When amuse oneself, the tourist can choose to rent a car or take system of public transportation, subway, very convenient.

Cate is recommended

The cate that do not have stannum with delicious and delicate, celebrated, have most among them representative is not to have stannum to fight unripe pill, without stannum the dish of the 3 bright stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup, rice crust that do not have stannum, roast duck that do not have stannum. In addition, those who do not have stannum is small soup of basket bag, crab meat, too head of fish of lake whitebait, stew also is the characteristic cate that cannot miss. With its without stannic cate distinctive local color and rich select material are attracting numerous tourist to come round to sample, no matter be street,fastfood high-grade still restaurant can let stream of people forget to return repeatedly.

Buy a souvenir surely

To the travel that do not have stannum, the souvenir that suits to bring back the home most includes not to have Xi Taihu shoe of the stone, cloth that do not have stannum, without stannum the fastfood, tea service that do not have stannum is mixed all sorts of characteristic handicraft. Among them, having Xi Taihu stone is place's particular natural stone material, have view and admire value and adornment value, be known as " the stone of Chinese Wu Yue culture " ; Shoe of the cloth that do not have stannum is the local tradition that does not have stannum manual shoe kind one of, have the characteristic such as comfortable, wear-resisting, also be right souvenir choice.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can be you this to provide a few helps in the journey that does not have stannum without stannic travel directory.

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