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  • 潮流感:韩国时尚敢于突破传统,追求前卫和新潮,成为许多年轻人追捧的时尚榜样。
  • 个性化:韩国时尚注重个性,鼓励人们表达自我,从服装到配饰,都可以看到独特的个性张扬。
  • 多元文化融合:韩国时尚在传统和现代、东方和西方文化的交融中形成独特的魅力,吸引着世界各地的时尚爱好者。







Korea develops course fashionably

From 20 centuries 80 time end, korea begins to make the one part of world vogue gradually. The industry experienced Korea vogue to transform from what imitate innovation, formed oneself characteristic and style gradually. Korea vogue is encircled with the style of its diversification, avant-courier by global vogue fix eyes upon.

The 3 big characteristic of Korea vogue

The characteristic of Korea vogue basically is reflected inTide feels, IndividuationAndMultivariate culture is shirt-sleeve.

  • Tide feels: Korea vogue dares to break through a tradition, pursuit avant-courier and trendy, become a lot of youths to recall the fashionable model that hold in both hands.
  • Individuation: Korea vogue pays attention to individual character, encourage people to convey ego, arrive from dress deserve to act the role of, can see distinctive individual character make public.
  • Multivariate culture is shirt-sleeve: In blending, Korea vogue forms distinctive glamour in tradition and culture of contemporary, east and west, attracting the fashionable lover of world each district.

Of Korea vogue consequence diffuse

Korea vogue is influential in dress domain force not just, still permeated cosmetic, hairstyle, even the square field surface such as lifestyle. The beauty of Korea makeup, protect skin to taste position is held in global market, the hairstyle design of Korea also is fixed eyes upon by the world.

The future of Korea fashion industry

Diffuse continuously as what Han flows, korea fashion industry also will greet larger development space. Future, korea vogue hopeful produces mainer and mainer effect on global arena, the tide that affecting the world and aesthetic.

Thank you to read this article, the hope carries this article, you can know Korea style deep more, seek Han to shed the distinctive glamour of backside.
