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如何科学育儿 - 从宝宝到学龄前儿童的全方位关怀英文双语对照


如何科学育儿 - 从宝宝到学龄前儿童的全方位关怀英文双语对照












Scientific Yo: Arrive from darling before school age of children all-around consideration

Yo it is the major challenge that every parent must face, no matter be the novice pa Mom that person father is first or seasoned veteran parent, need to learn ceaselessly and promote, ability provides better growing environment to the child. The article will introduce scientific Yo importance and the Yo that are aimed at different growing level skill, help parents answer all sorts of darling growing challenges to the children before school age better.

Crucial phase: New student nurse

New student period is when needing the parent to show loving care for most, to novice parents, how to nurse correctly the skin of darling, correct feed, and how fostering parentage is serious problem. A few necessary nurse basically knowledge and skill will have detailed introduction in this one part.

Crucial phase: The education before nursery school

Begin from the education before nursery school, darling people bring into contact with more external environments, begin to face the development of gregarious, language and cognitive ability. Parents need to know the interest interest that how develops the child, how to undertake effective family is taught, and how to accompany the child to overshoot this one important level.

Crucial phase: The children before school age is taught

Education of the children before school age is the child the key in whole growing process one pace. In this one phase, the child will begin osculatory study, begin to form oneself individual character and behavior habit. About how having scientific preschool education and behavior government, it is the key content of this phase.

Pass the introduction of the article, believe parents to how scientific Yo, and the challenge that how answers different growing level, had clearer knowledge. Doing a good parent is the task that a need learns ceaselessly and promotes, let us try hard together, the health that is the child grows add a brick to add tile.

Acknowledgment reader reads the article, hope the article can be in for you Yo offer in the process a few helps and inspire.

