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Current situation of children staying behind and mental health are challenged

In recent years, be accelerated as what town changes a course and economy grows, a lot of country families choose to go out work, the problem of children staying behind gets attention fully. Because children staying behind is long-term as detached as parents, lack domestic care and educational resource, be faced with a lot of mental health to challenge. Alone, angst, self-abased, affection is maladjusted the issue that becomes children staying behind to be faced with generally.

Family, society and mental health of children staying behind

The family is the important cornerstone of mental health of children staying behind. Lack parental company and education, children staying behind produces alone feeling and safe feeling easily to be short of break. In the meantime, the society also answers children staying behind to give more care and attention, provide more psychological support and educational resource, in order to improve condition of its mental health.

How to help children staying behind build healthy psychology

Be aimed at the mental health problem of children staying behind, we need many sided hard. The school and community can begin mental health education, help children staying behind build active state of mind and the capacity that answer pressure. In the meantime, domestic member also needs to strengthen the care of pair of children staying behind and education, enhance their self-confident heart and affection stability. Social all circles also should increase attention strength, build mental health of children staying behind to support a system, provide more care and help for them.

Psychology seeks advice from the importance with support

Psychology seeks advice from division to acting important role in mental health of children staying behind. They can seek advice through professional psychology and support, help understanding of children staying behind and the psychological question that answer oneself, alleviate its psychology pressure, rebuild positive human impact. The importance that psychology seeks advice from cannot be ignored, need society and family take seriously jointly and support.

Adopt above method and approach, help children staying behind build healthy psychology, it is instantly a very main society task, also be the career that our everybody can try hard for it.

Thank you to read the article, hope our effort can help more children staying behind build healthy psychology, meet better tomorrow.
