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1. 选择合适的重量:在训练时,一定要选择适合自己的重量。过重的重量会导致肱二头肌受伤,过轻的重量则达不到锻炼效果。

2. 控制动作幅度:肱二头肌的训练动作要有节奏地进行,控制好动作的幅度,既避免了受伤,又能更好地刺激肱二头肌的生长。

3. 注意呼吸:在训练时一定要注意呼吸,正确的呼吸技巧有助于提高训练效果,避免引发肌肉疼痛。


1. 热身运动:在开始训练之前,进行适当的热身运动可以有效地预防肌肉拉伤和疼痛。

2. 适当放松:训练后适当的放松和拉伸也是避免肌肉疼痛的重要手段,可以缓解肌肉的酸痛感。

3. 合理安排训练计划:避免过度训练,合理安排训练计划,给肱二头肌足够的恢复时间,有助于减少肌肉疼痛的发生。





The upper arm 2 flesh train a guideline

Fitness is current society in one kind very welcome exercise means, a lot of people undertake thing upper arm bicipital trains in gym. However, because lack scientific training knowledge, a lot of people are exercising humerus when 2 flesh, often can be faced with muscle to go up painful wait for a problem. The article will introduce how to train humerus scientificly for you 2 flesh, avoid the happening with aching muscle.

Understanding thes upper arm 2 flesh

The upper arm 2 flesh are a substantial in muscle of the upper arm, its action is to bend arm and antebrachium coming back. Sound training thes upper arm 2 flesh can enhance power of sarcous of the upper arm not only, still can model finer body line.

Science trains skill

1.Choose appropriate weight: When training, must choose to suit oneself weight. Overweight weight can bring about humerus 2 flesh get hurt, too light weight criterion short of exercises the effect.

2.Control behavioral extent: The upper arm bicipital trains a movement to want to rhythm ground undertakes, control the extent of good start, avoided to get hurt already, can stimulate humerus better again bicipital grows.

3.The attention breathes: Breath must notice when training, correct breathing skill conduces to improve training result, avoid to cause muscle ache.

Avoid the method with aching muscle

1.Warm-up: Before beginning to train, undertake proper warm-up prevents muscle effectively to pull injury and ache.

2.Loosen appropriately: The proper relaxation after training and drawing also are the important step that avoids muscle ache, can alleviate sarcous ache feeling.

3.Reasonable arrangement trains a plan: Avoid excessive training, reasonable arrangement trains a plan, give humerus the refreshment with 2 enough flesh time, conduce to those who reduce muscle ache happening.


Pass the introduction of the article, believe you to to humerus bicipital science trains and had avoided muscle to have more thorough knowledge sorely. Only science undertakes training reasonably, ability is exercising what humerus achieves him the health in bicipital process, happily exercise a target.

Thank you to read the article, hope to be helped somewhat to you.
