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1. 五谷杂粮是指小麦、玉米、大米等农作物。

2. 均衡饮食指多吃蔬菜和水果,适量摄入主食,适量饮用牛奶和豆浆。

3. 饮食清淡有利于保持身体健康。


1. 运动是保持身体健康的重要方法,可以选择慢跑、游泳、打篮球等。

2. 睡眠是大脑和身体休息的时间,每天需要保证8个小时的睡眠。

3. 个人卫生是指保持身体、衣物、环境的卫生清洁。


1. 家中遇到紧急情况,要拨打急救电话,比如120、110。

2. 在上学和放学的路上,一定要注意交通安全,遵守交通规则

3. 火灾逃生要求知道家中的安全出口和逃生通道。


1. 尊敬老师是学生的基本礼仪,要注意尊重老师的教学和指导。

2. 感谢父母是孝顺的表现,要学会感恩父母的养育之恩。

3. 友好相处是校园生活的基本态度,要学会尊重和关爱同学。



About food:

1.Food crops food grains other than wheat and riceIt is to point to the crop such as wheaten, corn, rice.

2.Balanced dietPoint to eat vegetable and fruit more, right amount absorb staple food, right amount and drinkable milk and soya-bean milk.

3.Food is delicateBe helpful for keeping healthy.

About health:

1.MotionIt is the important method that keeps healthy, can choose to canter, swim, play basketball etc.

2.MorpheusIt is the time that cerebrum and body rest, need to assure the Morpheus of 8 hours everyday.

3.The individual is wholesomeIt is to show the sanitation that maintains the body, clothings, environment is clean.

About safety:

1.Emergency is encountered in the home, want to dialEmergency treatment phone, for instance 120, 110.

2.On the road that go to school and classeses are over, must notice transportation is safe, abide byTraffic regulation.

3.Fire flees for his lifeThe safety in asking to know the home is exported and flee for his life passageway.

About formal:

1.Respect a teacherBe a student is basic and formal, want to notice to respect the teacher's education and guidance.

2.Thank parentsIt is filial expression, should learn to be thankful the favour of parents that foster.

3.Friendly get alongIt is the basic attitude that campus lives, want to learn esteem and care classmate.

Thank you read, these 100 lives 100 divisions knowledge will be helped you learn better and live.
