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红色警戒2是一款经典的即时战略游戏,由Westwood Studios开发,于2000年发行。游戏设定在虚构的20世纪中期,玩家可以选择加入苏联或盟军阵营,体验战争策略的激烈对抗。













Red alert 2 brief introduction

Red alert 2It is a classical instant strategy game, by Westwood Studios development, issued 2000. Game set is in dummy 20 centuries metaphase, the player can choose to add Russia or allied forces a group of people of same interest, experience the intense antagonism of warlike strategy.

Of times of science and technology evolve

In game, the development of times of science and technology is crucial component. The player needs to use resource to build unit of base, production, upgrade ceaselessly science and technology, in order to get more powerful war force. Develop high-tech lab from initial simple and easy installation, the player will experience the course that whole science and technology progresses.

Resource management and science and technology upgrade

In red alert 2 in, resource management is crucial one annulus. The player needs to collect raw material effectively, maintain the stability that resource supplies, of the development with supporting base and science and technology upgrade. In the meantime, science and technology upgrades to also need many capital and time investment, player need is developing economy and promotion balance place is found between science and technology.

The strategy and science and technology innovate

The 2 diversity that stress the strategy mix red alert the innovation sex of science and technology. The player can upgrade through sound science and technology the strategy with different choice develops way, if strengthen defence, promotion to produce efficiency, research and development puissant weapon, hold advantage position on battlefield thereby.

The relation of technology and war

Through red alert the game of 2 experiences, the player can enjoy intense warlike antagonism not only, can experience the affinity of science and technology and war deeply more. The progress of science and technology affects warlike process and result directly, and warlike need is ecbolic also the ceaseless innovation of science and technology.


Red alert 2 regard a classical instant strategy as game, what the development of times of science and technology blended in game whole is strategical, brought the game experience of rich diversity for the player. Through knowing game deep medium science and technology develops, the player is OK more comprehensive ground holds game regulation, make implement strategical game strategy more.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can help you understand red alert better the importance of times of the science and technology in 2 game.

