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职场新人必读 | 走过的弯路:一点人生的经验英文双语对照


职场新人必读 | 走过的弯路:一点人生的经验英文双语对照












The getaway of duty field new personality

To just entering the people of a new type of duty field for, one of mistakes that make the most easily underestimated his ability namely. In the society with this intense competition, everybody has his distinct advantage, and on on-the-job field, show itself by right of these advantage ability just about. Accordingly, we need to establish confidence, believe oneself ability, go bravely facing a challenge.

The society is listened attentively to with esteem

In the process that gets along with the colleague, the experience of a bit life tells us, listen attentively to and be being respected is crucial. In group collaboration, our need is modest the opinion that listens attentively to other, respect the different point of view of everybody, learn ceaselessly and progress. Such ability establish good human relationship, promotion work efficiency.

Face setback and failure

On on-the-job field, setback and failure avoid hard. But the experience of a bit life tells us, the key depends on how answering these setbacks and failure. We need to learn to absorb experience to teach a lesson from inside failure, not crestfallen, stand up bravely, before continueing, go. Sum up experience ceaselessly only, ability grows ceaselessly on on-the-job field.

Build true vocation to plan

Everybody needs to have a proper professional program on on-the-job field. The experience of a bit life tells us, the program can help us know his advantage and inferior position better, the profession that makes clear oneself develops way, and do it make arduous efforts. Made clear a profession to plan only, ability plans better oneself professional career.

Thank you read

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, hope these experience are helped somewhat to duty field new personality. Carry this article, we hope to be able to help more duty field new personality get used to the job better, promote oneself, achieve the success of the career.
