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Foreword: The imitate of nature

Nature is magical and complex existence, its force and rule are the object that the mankind explores all the time. However, the development of science and technology makes people OK nowadays the force of imitate nature and rule, this kind of imitate is producing main effect in studying scientificly not only, also producing far-reaching effect in our life. The article will discuss the meaning of imitate nature and effect.

Imitate nature considers to apply mediumly in science

The process of imitate nature is acting crucial role in studying scientificly. For example, climate imitate can help scientists understand the trend that climate changes and rule better, provide scientific basis to make climate policy. Additional, biology imitate can help researcher reproduce the ecosystem in nature in the lab, so that protect biology diversity and ecological balance better.

The imitate nature application in engineering field

Engineering field is using the imitate technology of nature extensively also. Building stylist is OK imitate of field of wind of have the aid of will optimize building construction, raise architectural to fight wind energy force thereby; Bionics lets an architect from inspiration of the derive in nature, offerred a lot of design concepts that have innovation sex, if copy lays material,wait.

Imitate nature is affected to what the mankind lives

The development of nature imitate technology changed human life. For example, virtual reality technology lets us can what ground of be personally on the scene experiences nature is strong beautiful, brought the natural experience of acme for townsman; Additional, copy gave birth to medical development to also bring new breakthrough for domain of medical treatment health, for example the research and development of copy unripe organ, brought more likelihood for clinical cure.


Anyhow, the imitate of nature is mixed in field of scientific research, engineering there is main effect in daily life. It lets us can the mystery of nature of understanding of more thorough ground, also changing our lifestyle and working way at the same time. In future, as ceaseless progress of the technology, the imitate of nature will continue to bring more surprises and change for human society.

Acknowledgment reads the article, believe to pass the imitate that understands nature, you can have more thorough knowledge to this domain, experience the tremendous influence that brings to imitate nature at the same time.

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