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  • 倾听:每个家庭成员都应该有表达自己意见的空间,其他成员也应该倾听尊重。
  • 定期沟通:可以安排家庭成员定期进行谈话时间,分享彼此的生活、感受和困惑。
  • 尊重:尊重家庭成员每个人的感受和意见,避免在沟通中出现相互指责和批评。



  • 分担家务:让每个家庭成员参与家务,根据年龄和能力进行合理的分工,培养家庭成员的责任感。
  • 共同活动:安排一些家庭共同活动,比如周末郊游、假期旅行等,增进家庭成员之间的感情。
  • 尊重隐私:在共同生活中,也要尊重家庭成员的个人空间和隐私,避免过分干涉。



  • 冷静沟通:在矛盾出现时,双方都要保持冷静,通过沟通表达自己的观点,寻找解决问题的方法。
  • 寻求妥协:在矛盾解决过程中,双方都要做出一定程度的妥协,尊重对方的意见,寻求双赢的解决方案。
  • 寻求帮助:如果矛盾难以解决,可以寻求家庭成员之外的帮助,比如专业心理咨询师的帮助。




Domesticity experience is shared

Domesticity is everybody the indispensable one part in the life. How to improve domesticity quality, make domestic member happy in the atmosphere of sweet harmony grow, healthy life is the problem that every parent cares. A few experience that improve domesticity quality will be shared below, hope to be helped somewhat to you.

The family is communicated

Between domestic member good communicating is the base that compose builds harmonious family to concern. Want to build good family to communicate, can try the following:

  • Listen attentively to: Every family member should have the space that expresses him opinion, other member also should listen attentively to esteem.
  • Communicate regularly: Can arrange domestic member to have conversational time regularly, the life that shares each other, experience and baffle.
  • Esteem: The feeling of everybody mixes respect family member opinion, in avoiding to be being communicated, appear to censure each other with criticism.

Live jointly

The harmony that domestic member lives jointly spends the quality that also affecting family life directly. In collective life, can try the following method to raise the harmony between domestic member to spend:

  • Partake housework: Let every family member participate in housework, undertake reasonable division of labor according to the age and ability, foster the sense of responsibility of domestic member.
  • Collective activity: Plan a few families collective activity, for instance outing, holiday travels on the weekend etc, the feeling between promotional family member.
  • Esteem privacy: In collective life, also want to respect the individual space of domestic member and privacy, avert undue interference.

Resolve contradiction

The hard to avoid in domesticity can appear to contradict and chafe, how solving these problems effectively also is the key that improves domesticity quality:

  • Communicate calmly: When contradiction appears, both sides wants keep one's hair on, through communicating the point of view that expresses oneself, seek the means that solves a problem.
  • Seek compromise: The process is solved in contradiction in, both sides wants to make the compromise of certain level, respect the opinion of the other side, seek pair of winning solutions.
  • Seek a help: If contradiction is solved hard, can seek the help besides domestic member, for instance professional psychology seeks advice from the help of division.

Anyhow, the quality of domesticity depends on the mutual understanding between every family member, esteem and love. The experience of hope above shares the domesticity that can be you to bring a few inspire, the family life that lets you is more happy and happy.

Thank you read, hope this article is helped somewhat to you.

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