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1. 观音圣地:观世音菩萨东钱山寺和南海观音文化园是普陀山的中心景点,寺庙典雅,香火缭绕,惠迪广场上的观音圣像更是令人肃然起敬。

2. 南海普陀景区:包括普陀宫、普陀岛等景点,是普陀山最为热门的地方,可以登高俯瞰整个岛屿,感受海天一色的壮丽景色。

3. 东极岛:位于普陀山东南部,有着神奇的自然风光和丰富的海洋文化,是很多游客喜欢探访的地方。


1. 最佳季节:普陀山四季皆宜,夏季清凉,冬季温暖,但最佳旅行时间为春秋季节。

2. 穿衣建议:普陀山一年中气温变化不大,但尽量穿上舒适的便装并携带雨具。

3. 交通指南:乘船是前往普陀山的主要方式,舟山市有港口可通往普陀山,游客可选择陆路前往港口或乘坐飞机到达舟山再转乘渡轮。



Brief introduction of general Tuo hill

General Tuo hill, call Pu Tuo hill Honolulu again, it is one of hill of 4 big Buddhist name, be located in city of Zhejiang boat hill, it is the Taoist or Buddhish rites of avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, be known as " bright phearl of the East China Sea " , also be countrywide key scenery scenic spot area. Area of beauty spot of general Tuo hill makes an appointment with 12.5 square kilometer, you Xiuli's islands, clear seawater and delightful climate are comprised, it is the travel resort that scene of nature of be in harmony and humanitarian landscape are an organic whole.

General Tuo hill needs You Jing is nodded

1.Avalokitesvara bethel: Bodhisattva of the sound that observe a life east the central tourist attraction that cash mountain temple and garden of Nanhai avalokitesvara culture are general Tuo hill, cloister elegance, burning incense winds around, the avalokitesvara icon on Hui Di square is be filled with deep esteem making a person more.

2.Area of scene of Nanhai general Tuo: Include island of Tuo of general Tuo palace, general to wait for a tourist attraction, it is the place with general Tuo most popular hill, can uprise looks down at whole islands, experience the gallant scene with sea uniform nature.

3.East extremely island: Be located in south of general Tuo Shandong, having magical natural scene and rich marine culture, it is the place that a lot of tourists like seek by inquiry.

Viatic proposal

1.Optimal and seasonal: The four seasons of general Tuo hill all appropriate, the summer is cool and refreshing, winter warmth, but optimal journey time is year season.

2.Clad proposal: General Tuo hill change of the air temperature in a year is not big, but put on comfortable dishabille as far as possible and carry rain gear.

3.Traffic guideline: It is the main way that heads for general Tuo hill by ship, boat hill city has haven to be able to lead to general Tuo hill, the tourist is gone to before optional choose is overland haven or take a plane to arrive at Zhou Shan to turn again by ferry.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, there can be clearer plan and richer experience when before hoping you are in, travelling toward general Tuo hill!

