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中国高等教育学生信息网(学信网) - 为你揭秘学信网的功能、使用方法及注意事项英文双语对照


中国高等教育学生信息网(学信网) - 为你揭秘学信网的功能、使用方法及注意事项英文双语对照

中国高等教育学生信息网(学信网) - 为你揭秘学信网的功能、使用方法及注意事项




  • 学历查询: 用户可通过学信网查询全国范围内的学历信息,包括高等教育学历证书、学历认证报告等内容。
  • 学籍注册: 在学信网上,学生可方便地进行学籍注册、学籍状态查询等操作,更加便捷管理个人学籍信息。
  • 学籍验证: 用人单位可通过学信网进行学历学籍真伪查询,确保用人单位招聘的员工学历信息真实可靠。
  • 高校资源: 学信网还提供了各高校的基本信息和办学资质,方便学生了解各高校的情况。



  • 信息准确: 输入查询信息前,需确保所输入的个人信息准确无误,避免因信息不准确导致查询失败。
  • 官方渠道: 在查询学历信息等业务时,应该通过学信网官方网址进行,以确保查询结果真实可靠。
  • 个人信息保护: 在使用学信网时,保护个人信息安全是非常重要的,不要将个人信息泄露给不明身份或不可信的网站。




Website of student of Chinese higher education (net learning a letter) - the function that uncovers secret to learn to believe a net for you, use method and note

Website of student of Chinese higher education, abbreviation learns to believe a net, the national education department that is management of Ministry of Education and its directly under the information platform of each college, official network address is. Net learning a letter provided the service of a lot of advantage for broad student, for example inquiry of record of formal schooling, one's status as a student is registered etc, provided important reference for student learning and obtain employment.

Learn to believe the function of the net

Net learning a letter provided rich function for the user, basically include among them:

  • Inquiry of record of formal schooling: The user can inquire the information of record of formal schooling inside countrywide limits through learning to believe a net, include the content such as report of attestation of certificate of higher education record of formal schooling, record of formal schooling.
  • One's status as a student registers: On net learning a letter, the student can undertake one's status as a student is registered conveniently, the operation such as inquiry of state of one's status as a student, more convenient managing information of individual one's status as a student.
  • Test and verify of one's status as a student: Unit of choose and employ persons can undertake through learning to believe a net true bogus of one's status as a student of record of formal schooling inquires, ensure the information of employee record of formal schooling of invite applications for a job of unit of choose and employ persons is true and reliable.
  • College resource: The basic message that learns to believed a net to still offer each college and managerial aptitude, convenient student understands the situation of each college.

Use the note of net learning a letter

When using network learning a letter, the user needs to notice the following:

  • Information is accurate: Before the input inquires information, the individual information that needs to ensure place is inputted is accurate without by accident, because information is not accurate,avoid to bring about inquiry to fail.
  • Official channel: When inquiring the business such as information of record of formal schooling, should undertake through learning to believe net government network address, in order to ensure inquiry result is true and reliable.
  • Individual information protects: When using network learning a letter, safety of protective individual information is very important, do not divulge individual information unidentified identity or suspect website.

Through learning to believe a net, students can inquire information of his record of formal schooling more conveniently, hand-in-hand travel one's status as a student is registered wait for an operation, at the same time unit of choose and employ persons also can believe a net to undertake true bogus of one's status as a student of employee record of formal schooling inquires through learning, provided more basises for invite applications for a job. Hope the article understands net learning a letter to be helped somewhat to you.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can be you to provide a help to learning to believe the understanding of the net.

