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Regale of Taiyuan characteristic cate

Taiyuan regards Shanxi as the provincial capital city of the province, famed with its rich and diversiform characteristic cate at the world. No matter be traditional Shanxi cooked wheaten food, still provide the Shanxi cooked food of characteristic alone, attracting countless cate lover to come round to sample. Let us seek the glamour of Taiyuan characteristic cate together next.

Classical characteristic cate

In Taiyuan, you cannot miss absolutely head push should belong to " Shanxi crosses oily flesh " . This delicate cate is given priority to with steaky pork makings, come through distinctive craft blast golden crisp, mouthfeel is sweet fragile juicily, the aftertaste is boundless. In addition, taiyuan still has " Shanxi knife cuts an area " and " Shanxi foul smell child face " wait for classical cooked wheaten food, and " hang boiler " , "Face of iron bowl stew " wait for traditional characteristic fastfood, each appearance lets a person lick one's chaps.

Culture experience

Cate is the enjoyment of taste bud not only, more bearing the weight of local culture and history. Sampling in the process of Taiyuan characteristic cate, you also can appreciate grumous Shanxi culture atmosphere, the making craft that experiences a tradition and food are consuetudinary, more the lifestyle of tunnel of press close to.

Characteristic is fastfood street

Want to appreciate the elegant demeanour of Taiyuan characteristic cate in the round, might as well visit the characteristic inside Taiyuan city fastfood street, market of if willow alley is fastfood street, long wind, the Taiyuan characteristic cate of all sorts of tunnels gathered together here, the tip of the tongue that satisfies you appeals to beg.


Taiyuan characteristic cate is of long standing and well established, it is the enjoyment of a kind of taste not only, it is one kind is opposite more of local culture comprehend. Walk into the world of Taiyuan cate, you will discover the one cate heaven that has distinguishing feature individually.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, the hope can show the glamour of Taiyuan characteristic cate for you, let you be harvested somewhat on the road of look for cate.
