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  • 定期检查家中的煤气管道和电路,确保没有泄漏和短路的隐患。
  • 安装满足安全标准的烟雾报警器,以便第一时间发现火灾。
  • 教育家人如何正确使用和存放灭火器,以备突发火灾时的应对措施。
  • 制定家庭紧急逃生计划,并定期进行逃生演练。
  • 定期清理家中的杂物,减少火灾和意外伤害的可能性。



  • 在行人横道过马路时,一定要等红绿灯亮起,遵守交通规则。
  • 开车时一定要系好安全带,不酒驾、不疲劳驾驶。
  • 遵守交通信号灯,不闯红灯,不占用公交车道。
  • 骑摩托车时,一定要戴好头盔,并且遵守车速限制。
  • 尽量选择安全的公共交通工具,并保持警惕,防止被扒手骚扰。



  • 不随意在网络上泄露个人隐私,包括地址、身份证号等重要信息。
  • 定期更改各种账号的密码,并设置复杂的密码组合,加强账号安全性。
  • 下载软件和APP时,尽量选择官方渠道,避免下载不明来源的软件。
  • 学会识别网络诈骗和钓鱼网站,警惕虚假信息和诈骗电话。
  • 安装可靠的杀毒软件,及时对电脑进行杀毒查杀和系统更新,保障电脑安全。



  • 遇陌生人搭讪或请求帮助时,保持警惕,切勿贸然接近或跟随。
  • 告诉家人和朋友自己的行踪,避免独自夜间外出,并尽量避免经过偏僻地带。
  • 学会基本的自救和急救知识,灾难来临时能够第一时间应对。
  • 户外运动时,一定要做好防护措施,包括穿戴头盔、护膝、护肘等。
  • 遇到地震等自然灾害时,要保持镇定,及时寻找避难所或采取逃生措施。






In the life, we always are in face all sorts of potential safe hidden danger, the safety that ensures oneself is crucial. The article will share experience of safety of 100 daily lives, help you answer all sorts of emergency better, ensure the safety of oneself and family.

Domestic security

The family is the harbour with the sweetest everybody, safeguard family security is crucial. The experience that is security of a few families below shares:

  • The gas conduit in examining the home regularly and circuit, ensure the hidden trouble that does not have leak and short circuit.
  • Installation satisfies the aerosol warning apparatus of safe level, so that discover fire for a short while.
  • How is educationist person used correctly and deposit fire extinguisher, when breaking out fire in order to have answer measure.
  • Make a family urgent flee for one's life plan, undertake fleeing for one's life regularly drilling.
  • Clear regularly in the home sundry, reduce fire and the possibility that harm accidentally.

Traffic safety

In daily life, our metropolis bring into contact with all sorts of vehicle, knowing traffic safety also is very necessary. The experience that is safety of a few transportation below shares:

  • When street crossing crosses a street, must wait for traffic light to shine, abide by traffic regulation.
  • Good safety belt must be fastened when driving, not wine is driven, indefatigability drives.
  • Abide by traffic signal lamp, do not enter red light, do not take up the bus.
  • By motorcycle when, must wear good helmet, and abide by speed limitation.
  • Choose safe public traffic tool as far as possible, keep vigilant, prevent to be annoyed by thief.

Network safety

As Internet gain ground, network safety problem more and more be paid close attention to. The experience that is safety of a few networks below shares:

  • Do not divulge individual privacy on the network at will, include the important information such as address, Id date.
  • Change the code of all sorts of Zhang date regularly, install complex password combination, enhance Zhang order security.
  • When downloading software and APP, choose official channel as far as possible, avoid to download the software of unidentified origin.
  • The society identifies network bilk and fishing website, vigilant and false information and bilk phone.
  • Install the reliable software that reduce toxin, undertake to computer the system is updated in time killing poison to check killing mixing, ensure computer safety.

The individual is safe

The education of individual safety consciousness is crucial to everybody. The experience that is a few individual safety below shares:

  • When encounter stranger to strike up a conversation or requesting to help, keep vigilant, do not rushed and adjacent or follow.
  • The track that tells family and him friend, avoid alone nightly go out, avoid to pass remote region as far as possible.
  • The society saves oneself basically and emergency treatment knowledge, when catastrophic advent can answer for a short while.
  • When outdoors motion, must make good preventive measure, include to apparel helmet, kneecap, elbow support.
  • When encountering the natural disaster such as the earthquake, want to keep calm, seek refuge in time or adopt flee for one's life measure.


The experience that above is safety of 100 daily lives is shared, hope these experience can help you ensure the safety of oneself and family better. In daily life, the education of safe consciousness and safe skill is very important, hope everybody can leave keep one's head in all sorts of emergency, make answer measure correctly, ensure the safety of oneself.

Thank you to read the article, hope these experience can make your life more safe mix comfortable.

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