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  • 星期一: 早餐:牛奶混合麦片,香蕉;午餐:鸡肉意大利面,西兰花;晚餐:烤鱼,米饭,蔬菜沙拉。
  • 星期二: 早餐:全麦吐司,酸奶,水果;午餐:番茄鸡蛋饼,蔬菜色拉;晚餐:牛肉炖土豆,糙米饭,绿豆汤。
  • 星期三: 早餐:草莓麦片,牛奶;午餐:鲔鱼三明治,蔬菜条;晚餐:鸡肉炒蔬菜,糙米饭。
  • 星期四: 早餐:酸奶,坚果,水果;午餐:烤鸡胸肉,意大利面,蔬菜沙拉;晚餐:番茄鸡肉汤,全麦面包。
  • 星期五: 早餐:香蕉燕麦粥,全麦饼干;午餐:鱼排炒饭,蔬菜色拉;晚餐:烤肉,玉米,土豆泥。
  • 星期六: 早餐:全麦面包,火腿,水果;午餐:蔬菜鸡肉卷,玉米汤;晚餐:糙米饭,红烧鱼,蔬菜。
  • 星期日: 早餐:酸奶,果仁,水果;午餐:烤鸡翅,意大利面,蔬菜沙拉;晚餐:扇贝炒饭,绿叶蔬菜。






Why to value children health food?

The healthy diet of children grows to theirs development is crucial. Scientific dietary arrangement can help them obtain all sorts of indispensible nutrition, maintain immune system stability, precaution is fat and a series of chronic illnesses.

Cookbook arranges health of a week children

A cookbook of a week health that is aimed at children is below, aim to ensure their nutrition is absorbed balanced, dietary diversification.

  • On Monday: Breakfast: Milk mixes cornmeal, banana; Lunch: Chicken Italy face, on the west orchid; Dinner: Grilled fish, rice, vegetable salad.
  • Tuesday: Breakfast: Whole wheat says department, yoghurt, fruit; Lunch: Tomato egg cake, vegetable salad; Dinner: Beef stews potato, unpolished rice meal, gram soup.
  • On Wednesday: Breakfast: Strawberry cornmeal, milk; Lunch: Wei fish sandwich, vegetable; Dinner: Chicken fries vegetable, unpolished rice meal.
  • On Thursday: Breakfast: Yoghurt, nut, fruit; Lunch: Flesh of the chicken breast that bake, italian face, vegetable salad; Dinner: Tomato chicken soup, whole wheat bread.
  • On Friday: Breakfast: Banana oatmeal, whole wheat biscuit; Lunch: Steak fries a meal, vegetable salad; Dinner: Barbecue, corn, potato mud.
  • On Saturday: Breakfast: Whole wheat bread, ham, fruit; Lunch: Vegetable chicken coils, corn soup; Dinner: Unpolished rice meal, fish of braise in soy sauce, vegetable.
  • Sunday: Breakfast: Yoghurt, nutlet, fruit; Lunch: Wing of the chicken that bake, italian face, vegetable salad; Dinner: Scallop fries a meal, greenery vegetable.

How to design healthy diet for children?

When making children health recipe, should notice to offer enough protein, adipose, carbohydrate, vitamin and mineral. Feed content sort to answer as far as possible diversification, avoid food of overmuch deepfry, treatment, nurturance times food is used to with what do not eat and drink too much.

Above is the arrangement of cookbook of a week health that is aimed at children, hope parents can undertake be adjustmented appropriately according to actual condition, the motion of tie-in child and habits and customs, the health that promotes them jointly grows.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can be your children health to provide a few helps through this cookbook.
