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  • 作文一:追求幸福

    The pursuit of happiness is a fundamental aspect of life's meaning and value. Happiness can be found in various forms, such as family, friendships, and personal achievements. It is not the accumulation of material wealth that brings true happiness, but rather the experiences and relationships we build along the way. The value of life is also reflected in our ability to contribute to society and help others. By giving back and making a positive impact, we find a sense of fulfillment. Ultimately, the meaning of life is a personal journey, and it is up to each individual to define what brings them happiness and fulfillment.



    • Pursuit (追求)
    • Happiness (幸福)
    • Fundamental (基本的)
    • Accumulation (积累)
    • Material wealth (物质财富)
    • Experiences (经历)
    • Relationships (关系)
    • Contribute (贡献)
    • Society (社会)
    • Fulfillment (满足)
    • Personal journey (个人旅程)


    Self-actualization is a key to understanding life's meaning and value. It involves the process of realizing one's potential and striving for personal growth. This journey is not always easy, but it is deeply rewarding. The value of life is not measured by external success but by the internal satisfaction of achieving one's goals. Life's meaning is found in the pursuit of excellence and the desire to make a difference. By setting and achieving goals, we create a sense of purpose and direction. Self-actualization is a lifelong process that requires continuous learning and self-reflection.



    • Self-actualization (自我实现)
    • Realizing potential (实现潜力)
    • Personal growth (个人成长)
    • External success (外部成功)
    • Internal satisfaction (内在满足)
    • Excellence (卓越)
    • Desire (渴望)
    • Purpose (目的)
    • Direction (方向)
    • Lifelong process (终身过程)
    • Continuous learning (不断学习)
    • Self-reflection (自我反思)


    The significance of life is also found in our contributions to society. Making a difference in the lives of others is a profound way to add value to our own lives. Acts of kindness, volunteer work, and community engagement are all examples of how we can contribute positively to society. The value of life is not just in what we receive but also in what we give. Through our contributions, we can leave a lasting legacy and inspire others. Life's meaning is not solely about personal gain but also about the collective good. By focusing on the well-being of others, we enrich our own lives and find a deeper sense of purpose.



    • Significance (意义)
    • Contributions (贡献)
    • Society (社会)
    • Acts of kindness (善行)
    • Volunteer work (志愿工作)
    • Community engagement (社区参与)
    • Collective good (集体的利益)
    • Legacy (遗产)
    • Inspire (激励)
    • Well-being (福祉)
    • Deeper sense of purpose (更深层次的目的感)
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