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  • 芒种是中国传统二十四节气中的第九个节气,标志着夏季的开始。芒种的字面意思是“有芒的麦子快收,有芒的稻子可种”。这个节气反映了中国农业社会中重要的农事活动,即小麦的收割和水稻的播种。芒种期间,中国长江中下游地区将进入多雨的黄梅时节,此时气候湿润,适宜水稻等作物的生长。


    • Grain in Ear:芒种的英文表达,直接对应了芒种的字面意义。
    • Mángzhòng:芒种的汉语拼音,用于直接提及这个节气时使用。
    • Solar Term:节气的英文表达,用于描述中国特有的二十四节气系统。

    芒种 Grain in Ear

    Mangzhong or Grain in Ear is the ninth solar term in the traditional Chinese lunar calendar. It falls around June 5th to 7th each year, marking the beginning of the busy agricultural season. The term "Mang" refers to the maturity of the seeds of awned crops such as barley and wheat, which need to be harvested in time. "Zhong" refers to the crops that need to be planted, indicating that the days around Grain in Ear are the busiest time for farmers to sow and work in the fields.

    芒种,或称为 Grain in Ear,是中国传统农历中的第九个节气,每年大约在6月5日至7日之间,标志着繁忙农业季节的开始。"芒"指的是有芒作物如大麦、小麦等的种子成熟,需要及时收割。"种"指的是需要种植的作物,表明芒种期间是农民播种和田间工作最繁忙的时期。


    Grain in Ear is a critical period for agriculture as it is the time when farmers must harvest the mature grains and prepare the land for the next planting season. It is also a time when the weather becomes warmer and more humid, which is suitable for the growth of summer crops such as rice.

    Grain in Ear 对于农业来说至关重要,因为这是农民必须收割成熟谷物并为下一季播种准备土地的时期。同时,这也是天气变得更加温暖和潮湿的时期,适合夏季作物如水稻的生长。


    During this period, various cultural activities and festivals are celebrated, such as the Dragon Boat Festival, which honors the poet Qu Yuan and the spirit of patriotism. It is also a time for family reunions and the enjoyment of traditional foods like zongzi.


    In traditional Chinese medicine, Mangzhong is associated with balancing the yang energy of the body. It is advised to adjust the diet to include more cooling foods and avoid greasy or spicy food. It is also recommended to enjoy the outdoors and get more physical exercise to improve overall health.
