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  • 假期是我们逃离日常忙碌、重获自由的时刻,是探索新地方、体验不同文化的机会,也是与家人朋友共度美好时光的宝贵时光。它让我们有机会放慢脚步,反思过去,规划未来,同时享受生活带来的简单乐趣。

    作文1:My Ideal Holiday

    My ideal holiday would be a week-long trip to the Swiss Alps. The pristine beauty of the mountains and the tranquil lakes have always fascinated me. I would stay in a cozy wooden chalet, surrounded by blooming flower fields and the chirping of birds. During the day, I would go hiking, exploring the picturesque trails that offer stunning views of the snow-capped peaks and lush green valleys. In the evenings, I would relax in a local spa, indulging in soothing massages and herbal baths. This holiday would be perfect for rejuvenation and connecting with nature.



    • Swiss Alps(瑞士阿尔卑斯山)
    • pristine beauty(原始的美丽)
    • tranquil lakes(宁静的湖泊)
    • cozy wooden chalet(舒适的木制小木屋)
    • blooming flower fields(盛开的花田)
    • picturesque trails(如画的小径)
    • snow-capped peaks(雪顶山峰)
    • lush green valleys(郁郁葱葱的山谷)
    • rejuvenation(恢复活力)
    • connect with nature(与自然连接)

    作文2:My Ideal Holiday

    For my ideal holiday, I would choose a beach resort in Bali. The tropical climate, combined with the rich cultural experiences, makes it a paradise on Earth. I would spend my days lounging on the white sandy beaches, sipping fresh coconut water, and soaking up the warm sun. In the afternoons, I would take up surfing or snorkeling to explore the vibrant underwater life. At night, I would wander around the local markets, tasting exotic dishes and shopping for handcrafted souvenirs. This holiday would be all about relaxation and cultural immersion.



    • beach resort(海滩度假胜地)
    • Bali(巴厘岛)
    • tropical climate(热带气候)
    • rich cultural experiences(丰富的文化体验)
    • white sandy beaches(白色沙滩)
    • sipping fresh coconut water(啜饮新鲜椰子水)
    • soaking up the warm sun(沐浴在温暖的阳光下)
    • surfing or snorkeling(冲浪或浮潜)
    • vibrant underwater life(充满活力的水下生命)
    • cultural immersion(文化沉浸)

    作文3:My Ideal Holiday

    My dream holiday would be a road trip across the United States, exploring its diverse landscapes and cultures. I would start on the West Coast, marveling at the Grand Canyon, then make my way to New Orleans to experience the jazz and cajun culture. From there, I would head to New York City to immerse myself in the urban buzz and visit landmarks like the Statue of Liberty. This cross-country journey would not only allow me to see the country's natural wonders but also to meet people from different walks of life, making it an enriching and unforgettable experience.



    • road trip(公路旅行)
    • diverse landscapes and cultures(多样的景观和文化)
    • Grand Canyon(大峡谷)
    • New Orleans(新奥尔良)
    • jazz and cajun culture(爵士乐和凯郡文化)
    • urban buzz(城市喧嚣)
    • Statue of Liberty(自由女神像)
    • natural wonders(自然奇观)
    • enriching and unforgettable experience(丰富而难忘的经历)
    上一篇:100字、150字、200字、250字、300字英语作文5篇: A Scary Night