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英汉双语散文:Purpose 目标


英汉双语散文:Purpose 目标

  • 目标是指引我们穿越人生旅程的罗盘。它是一种推动力,即使道路不明确,目的地看似遥远,也能推动我们向前。目标不仅仅是要实现的目标,更是赋予我们存在意义和方向的理由。

    英汉双语散文:Purpose 目标

    Purpose is the compass that guides us through the journey of life. It is the force that propels us forward, even when the path is uncertain and the destination seems distant. It is not just a goal to be achieved, but a reason for existence that gives our lives meaning and direction.

    Without purpose, life can feel aimless and mundane. It is the spark that ignites our passion and drives us to pursue our dreams, no matter how challenging they may be. Purpose fuels our resilience, allowing us to overcome obstacles and persevere through hardships.

    Finding one's purpose is a deeply personal quest. It requires self-reflection and the courage to follow one's own path, even when it diverges from the expectations of others. It is a journey of discovery that leads to a life of fulfillment and joy.

    In the end, our purpose is not just about personal success; it is about contributing to something greater than ourselves. It is about leaving a positive impact on the world and inspiring others to find their own purpose.






    • Compass - 罗盘
    • Propels - 推动
    • Uncertain - 不确定的
    • Destination - 目的地
    • Existence - 存在
    • Meaning - 意义
    • Direction - 方向
    • Aimless - 无目的的
    • Mundane - 平凡的
    • Spark - 火花
    • Passion - 激情
    • Dreams - 梦想
    • Challenging - 具有挑战性的
    • Resilience - 韧性
    • Overcome - 克服
    • Obstacles - 障碍
    • Persevere - 坚持不懈
    • Hardships - 困难
    • Personal quest - 个人探索
    • Self-reflection - 自我反思
    • Courage - 勇气
    • Divergence - 相悖
    • Expectations - 期望
    • Fulfillment - 充实
    • Joy - 快乐
    • Contributing - 贡献
    • Greater - 更伟大的
    • Positive impact - 积极影响
    • Inspiring - 激励
    上一篇:初中英语作文5篇 :My School 我的学校