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名篇背诵:Unrequited Love(Ⅱ) 单相思(二)


名篇背诵:Unrequited Love(Ⅱ) 单相思(二)

Unrequited Love(Ⅱ) 单相思(二)

西奥多·德莱塞(Theodore Dreiser)

Then he came back to Stella with an ache. She was actually gone, and she was so beautiful. She would never really talk to him any more. He would never get to hold her hand or kiss her. He clenched his hands with the hurt. Oh, that night on the ice; that night in the sleigh ! How wonderful they were! Finally he undressed and went to bed. On his clean white pillow he lay and dreamed of the things that might have been, kisses, caresses , a thousand joys.

- clench [klentʃ] v. 握紧

- sleigh [sleɪ] n. 雪橇

- caress [kəˈres] n. 爱抚,拥抱


西奥多·德莱塞(Theodore Dreiser)是一位美国作家,他生活在1871年至1945年。他以描写现实主义和自然主义题材而闻名,作品涉及社会问题、人性、道德困境等方面。他的代表作品包括《美国悲剧》(An American Tragedy)和《嘉莉的姐妹》(Sister Carrie)等。



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