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公共交通(Public Transportation),简称公交,是指为公众提供运输服务的一种交通方式。它包括城市公交、地铁、有轨电车、轻轨、长途客车、出租车、轮渡等多种交通形式。公交系统通常由政府或私营企业运营,目的是提供高效、经济、环保的出行方式,缓解城市交通压力,减少私家车的使用,降低环境污染。


Public Transportation - 公共交通

Bus - 公交车

Metro/Subway - 地铁

Tram - 有轨电车

Light Rail - 轻轨

Coach/Bus - 长途客车

Taxi - 出租车

Ferry - 轮渡

Transit - 运输

Network - 网络

Route - 路线

Schedule - 时间表

Fare - 车费

Ticket - 车票

Card - 卡(如交通卡)

Station - 站

Stop - 站点

Terminal - 终点站

Passenger - 乘客

Operator - 运营商

英语作文:The Importance of Public Transportation

In the bustling metropolises of today, public transportation plays a pivotal role in connecting the city's heartbeat. It is not merely a means of transport but a lifeline that pulsates through the veins of urban life, ensuring the smooth flow of people and goods.

The concept of public transportation encompasses a myriad of options such as buses, trams, subways, light rails, and ferries. These services are often operated by government entities or private companies, striving to provide a cost-effective, efficient, and environmentally friendly alternative to private car usage.

One of the most significant benefits of public transport is its ability to alleviate traffic congestion. By encouraging the use of public transit, we can reduce the number of vehicles on the roads, leading to less pollution and a cleaner environment. Moreover, public transportation systems are designed to be accessible to all, promoting inclusivity and social equity.

However, the journey of public transportation is not without its challenges. Issues such as overcrowding, delays, and maintenance concerns are not uncommon. To address these, continuous investment in infrastructure and technology is essential to enhance the user experience and ensure reliability.

In essence, public transportation is more than just a service; it is a reflection of a city's commitment to sustainability and the well-being of its citizens. As we move forward, it is imperative that we continue to innovate and improve upon our public transit systems, making them not only a necessity but also a pleasure to use.







❶ 我在哪儿可以乘10路车?Where can I get on Bus No. 10?

对话 A: Where can I get on Bus No.10? 我在哪儿可以乘10路车?

B: Walk through this street for about 200 metres. 沿着这条街走200米。

❷ 11路公交车多长时间来一趟?How often does Bus No.11 come?

对话 A: How often does Bus No.11 come? 11路公交车多长时间来一趟?

B: I'm not sure. I think once every twenty minutes. 我也不确定。可能是每二十分钟一趟。

❸ 车票多少钱?What's the fare?

对话 A: What's the fare? 车票多少钱?

B: Two yuan , please. 两元。

❹ 这路公交车是到哪儿的?Where does this bus end up?

对话 A: Where does this bus end up? 这路公交车是到哪儿的?

B: Let's go to have a look at the direction signs. 我们去看看指示牌。

❺ 你坐错车了。You're on the wrong bus.

❻ 这是哪一站?What stop is this?

同类表达 What's the stop called?

对话 A: What stop is this? 这是哪一站?

B: This stop is the National Library. Please get ready to get off. 这站是国家图书馆。请准备下车。

❼ 可以用公交卡吗?Can I use my bus pass?

对话 A: Can I use my bus pass? 可以用公交卡吗?

B: Of course. Swipe your card when you get on the bus, please. 当然了,上车时请刷卡。

❽ 别把头和手臂伸出车外。Don't stick your arms or head out of the bus.

对话 A: You'd better sit well on bus. Don't stick your arms or head out of the bus. 在公交车上要坐好,不要把头和手臂伸出车外。

B: I see. 我知道了。

❾ 前方的路被堵住了。The road ahead is blocked.

对话 A: We have to walk there, I'm afraid. The road ahead is blocked. 恐怕我们得走着过去。前方的路被堵住了。

B: Oh, my goodness! We will be late again. 哦,我的天啊!我们又要迟到了。

❿ 交通很拥挤。The traffic is quite heavy.

同类表达 The traffic is very crowded.

上一篇:英语笑话:An Intelligent Dog 聪明的狗
下一篇:名篇背诵:My Mother 我的母亲