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名篇背诵:On Getting on in the World 迈向成功


名篇背诵:On Getting on in the World 迈向成功

On Getting on in the World 迈向成功

J. K. 杰罗姆(J. K. Jerome)

Not exactly the sort of thing for an idle fellow to think about, is it? But outsiders, you know, often see most of the game; nod sitting in my arbour by the wayside, smoking my hookah of contentment, and eating the sweet lotus-leaves of indolence , I can look out musingly upon the whirling throng that rolls and tumbles past me on the great high road of life.

Never-ending is the wild procession. Day and night you can hear the quick tramp of the myriad feet — some running, some walking, some halting and lame; but all hastening, all eager in the feverish race, all straining life and limb and heart and soul to reach the ever-receding horizon of success.

Mark them as they surge along — men and women, old and young, gentle and simple, fair and foul, rich and poor, merry and sad — all hurrying, bustling, scrambling . The strong pushing aside the weak, the cunning creeping past the foolish; those behind elbowing those before; those in front kicking, as they run, at those behind. Look close, and see the flitting show! Here is an old man panting for breath; and there a timid maiden, driven by a hard and sharp-faced matron ; here is a studious youth, reading “How to Get on in the World,” and letting everybody pass him as he stumbles along with his eyes on his book; here is a bored-looking man, with a fashionably-dressed woman jogging his elbow; here a boy, gazing wistfully back at the sunny village that he never again will see; here, with a firm and easy step, strides a broad-shouldered man; and here, with stealthy tread , a thin-face, stooping fellow dodges and shuffles upon his way; here with gaze fixed always on the ground an artful rogue carefully works his way from side to side of the road, and thinks he is going forward; and here a youth with a noble face stands, hesitating as he looks from the distant goal to the mud beneath his feet.

Cheek by cheek, they struggle onward. Screaming, cursing, and praying, laughing, singing, and moaning, they rush past side by side. Their speed never slackens , the race never ends. There is no wayside rest for them, no halt by cooling fountains, no pause beneath green shades. On, on, on — on though the heat and the crowd and the dust — on, or they will be trampled down, and lost — on, with throbbing brain and tottering limbs — on, till the heart grows sick, and the eyes grow blurred, and a gurgling groan tells those behind they may close up another space.

And yet, in spite of the killing pace and the stony track, who, but the sluggard or the dolt, can hold aloof from the course? Who — like the belated traveller that stands watching fairy revels till he snatches and drains the goblin cup, and springs into the whirling circle — can view the mad tumult, and not be drawn into its midst? Not I, for one.

And fighting the battle of life is fighting against fearful odds, too. There are giants and dragons in every age, and the golden casket that they guard is not so easy to win as it appears in the story books. There, Algernon takes one long, last look at the ancestral hall, dashes the teardrop from his eye, and goes off — to return in three years' time, rolling in riches. The authors do not tell us “how it's done,” which is a pity, for it would surely prove exciting.

In this world, it is necessary to adopt the principle pursued by the plaintiff in an action for damages, and to demand ten times more than you are ready to accept. If you can feel satisfied with a hundred, begin by insisting on a thousand; if you start by suggesting a hundred, you will only get ten.

It was by not following this simple plan that poor Jean Jacques Rousseau came to such grief. He fixed the summit of his earthly bliss at living in an orchard with an amiable woman and a cow, and he never attained even that. He did get as far as the orchard, but the woman was not amiable, and she brought her mother with her, and there was no cow. Now, if he had made up his mind for a large country estate, a houseful of angels, and a cattle show, he might have lived to possess his kitchen garden and one head of live stock, and even possibly have come across a really amiable woman.

What a terribly dull affair, too, life must be for contented people! How heavy the time must hang upon their hands, and what on earth do they occupy their thoughts with, supposing that they have any? Reading the paper and smoking seems to be the intellectual food of the majority of them, to which the more energetic add playing the flute and talking about the affairs of the next-door neighbour.

They never know the excitement of expectation, nor the stern delight of accomplished effort, such as stir the pulse of the man who has objects, and hopes, and plans. To the ambitious man, life is a brilliant game — a game that calls forth all his tact and energy and nerve — a game to be won, in the long run, by the quick eye and the steady hand, and yet having sufficient chance about its working out to give it all the glorious zest of uncertainty. He exults in it, as the strong swimmer in the heaving billows, as the athlete in the wrestle, the soldier in the battle.

And if he be defeated, he wins the grim joy of fighting; if he lose the race, he, at least, has had a run. Better to work and fail, than to sleep one's life away.

So, walk up, walk up, walk up. Walk up, ladies and gentlemen! Walk up, boys and girls! Show your skill and try your strength; brave your luck, and prove your pluck. Walk up! The show is never closed, and the game is always going. Established in the year one, gentlemen, and been flourishing ever since!Walk up. Walk up, ladies and gentlemen, and take a hand. There are prizes for all, and all can play. There is gold for the man and fame for the boy; rank for the maiden and pleasure for the fool. For some few win, and as to the rest, why —

“The rapture of pursuing

Is the prize the vanquished gain.”

- arbour [ˈɑːbə] n. (路边的)树荫;凉亭

- hookah [ˈhʊkə] n. 水烟筒

the sweet lotus-leaves of indolence 催人欲睡的芳香荷叶

the whirling throng 芸芸众生

- scramble [ˈskræmbl] v. 攀登,仓促行动

- matron [ˈmeɪtrən] n. 女监护人

- stumble [ˈstʌmbl] v. 踌躇,蹒跚

- wistfully [ˈwɪstflɪ] ad. 渴望地,希望地

stealthy tread 曲背,背有点驼

- dodge [dɒdʒ] v. 东躲西闪

- shuffle [ˈʃʌfl] v. 曳足而行,拖着脚步(走)

- slacken [ˈslækən] n. 松弛,使缓慢

- plaintiff [ˈpleɪntɪf] n. 原告

- rapture [ˈræptʃə] n. 兴高采烈













J. K. 杰罗姆(1859—1927),英国小说家、剧作家。出身于斯塔福德郡穷苦人家。杰作《三人共舟》(Three Men in a Boat ,1889)是幽默作品,由结构松散的短篇构成,充满俚语。其续篇是《三人出游记》(Three Men on the Bunmel ,1900)。《四楼尽头的通道》(Passing of the Third Floor Back ,1907)是其著名剧作。

杰罗姆的一生中,他不仅是一位作家,还曾担任过铁路职员、教师、演员和新闻记者。1892年,他与人协力创办了插图月刊《闲暇者》(The Idler),1893年又创办了周报《当代》(The To-Day)。这些经历丰富了他的写作素材,使他的作品更加生动和贴近生活。
