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名篇背诵:Kant the Man 康德其人其事


名篇背诵:Kant the Man 康德其人其事

Kant the Man 康德其人其事

威廉·S. 毛姆(William S. Maugham)

Kant was fond of talking, but preferred to talk alone, and if interrupted or contradicted was apt to show displeasure; his conversation, however, was so agreeable that none minded if he monopolized it. He would also tell humorous stories, of which he had a rich supply and which he told uncommonly well, so, he said, “that the repast may end with laughter, which is calculated to promote digestion.”

He liked to linger over dinner and the guests did not rise from table till late. He would not sit down after they had left in case he fell asleep, and this he would not permit himself to do since he was of opinion that sleep should be enjoyed sparingly , for thus time was saved and so life lengthened.

He was a little man, barely five feet tall, with a narrow chest and one shoulder higher than the other, and he was thin almost to emaciation . He had a crooked nose, but a fine brow and his colour was fresh. His eyes, though small, were blue, lively and penetrating. He was natty in his dress. He wore a small blond wig, a black tie, and a shirt with ruffles round the throat and wrists; a coat breeches and waistcoat of fine cloth, gray silk stockings and shoes with silver buckles. He carried his three-cornered hat under his arm and in his hand a gold-headed cane. He walked every day, rain or fine, for exactly one hour, but if the weather was threatening, his servant walked behind him with a big umbrella.

The only occasion on which he is known to have omitted his walk is when he received Rousseau's Emile , and then, unable to tear himself away from it, he remained indoors for three days. He walked very slowly because he thought it was bad for him to sweat, and alone because he had formed the habit of breathing through his nostrils, since thus he thought to avoid catching cold and, had he had a companion with whom courtesy would oblige him to speak, he would have been constrained to breathe through his mouth.

He invariously took the same walk, along the Linden Allee, and this, according to Heine, he strolled up and down eight times. He issued from his house at precisely the same hour so that the people of the town could set their clocks by it. When he came home he returned to his study and read and wrote letters till the light failed. Then as was his habit, fixing his eyes on the tower of a neighbouring church, he pondered over the problems that just then occupied him. At a quarter to ten he suspended his arduous labour and by ten was safely tucked up in bed.

Though he lived to be eighty, he never went more than sixty miles away from the town in which he was born. He suffered from frequent indispositions and was seldom free from pain, but he was able by the exertion of his will to turn his attention away from his feelings just as though they did not concern him.

He was neither impulsive nor demonstrative , but he was kindly, within his scanty means generous, and obliging . His intelligence was great, his power of reasoning impressive, but his emotional nature was meagre. Twice he thought seriously of marrying, but he took so long to consider the advantages and disadvantages of the step he had in mind that in the interval one of the young women he had his eye on married somebody else and the other left Konigsberg before he reached a decision.

- monopolize [məˈnɒpəlaɪz] v. 垄断,独占

- repast [rɪˈpɑːst] n. 餐,饮食

- sparingly [ˈspeərɪŋlɪ] ad. 节约地,爱惜地

- emaciation [ɪˌmeɪsɪˈeɪʃn] n. 衰弱,消瘦

- natty [ˈnætɪ] a. 整洁的;敏捷的

- arduous [ˈɑːdjʊəs] a. 努力的,费力的

- indisposition [ˌɪndɪspəˈzɪʃn] n. 不舒服,小病

- impulsive [ɪmˈpʌlsɪv] a. 冲动的

- demonstrative [dɪˈmɒnstrətɪv] a. 感情外露的

- scanty [ˈskæntɪ] a. 缺乏的;稀疏的

- obliging [əˈblɪdʒɪŋ] a. 乐于助人的,恳切的








威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆(William Somerset Maugham,1874年1月25日-1965年12月16日)是一位英国小说家、剧作家和短篇小说家,他的作品以描写人性和生活的复杂性而著称。毛姆生于法国巴黎,成长于英国,并在牛津大学接受教育。他游历世界各地,担任过红十字会的志愿医生,并在第一次世界大战期间在法国服务。

