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名篇背诵:At Nightfall 黄昏


名篇背诵:At Nightfall 黄昏

At Nightfall 黄昏

索尔顿·怀尔德(Thornton Wilder)

It was the hour when bats fly low and the smaller animals play recklessly underfoot. A few solitaries lingered about the gardens, gazing dreamily into the sky that was being gradually emptied of its colour, or leaned upon the balustrade and looked down into the valley, noting in which village a dog was barking. It was the hour when the father returns home from the fields and plays for a moment in the yard with the dog that jumps upon him ,holding his muzzle closed or throwing him upon his back. The young girls look about for the first star to fix a wish upon it, and the boys grow restless for supper. Even the busiest mother stands for a moment idle-handed, smiling at her dear and exasperating family.

- solitary [ˈsɒlɪtərɪ] n. 隐居者

- balustrade [ˌbæləsˈtreɪd] n. 栏杆

- muzzle [ˈmʌzl] n. (狗等的)凸出的口和鼻


索尔顿·怀尔德(1897—1975),美国小说家、剧作家,出生于威斯康星州。长篇小说有《神秘集团》(The Cabala ,1926),《圣路易·莱之桥》(The Bridge of Sanluis Rey ,1927,获普利策奖),《三月十五日》(The Ides of March ,1948),《第八天》(The Eighth Day ,1967)等。剧作有《小城风光》(Our Town ,1938),《九死一生》(The Skin of Our Teeth ,1942)(以上两个剧本获普利策奖),喜剧《扬克斯商人》(The Merchant of Yonkers ,1938)等。


