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名篇背诵:A Beautiful Campus 美丽的校园


名篇背诵:A Beautiful Campus 美丽的校园

A Beautiful Campus 美丽的校园

拉尔夫·W. 埃利森(Ralph W. Ellison)

It was a beautiful college. The buildings were old and covered with vines and the roads gracefully winding, lined with ledges and wild roses that dazzled the eyes in the summer sun. Honeysuckle and purple wisteria hung heavy from the trees and white magnolias mixed with their scents in the bee-humming air. I've recalled it often. How the grass turned green in the springtime and how the mocking birds fluttered their tails and sang, how the moon shone down on the buildings, how the bell in the chapel tower rang out the precious short-lived hours; how the girls in bright summer dresses promenaded the grassy lawn.

- honeysuckle [ˈhʌnɪsʌkl] n. 〈植〉忍冬

- wisteria [wɪˈstɪərɪə] n. 紫藤

- magnolia [mæɡˈnəʊlɪə] n. 木兰花

- flutter [ˈflʌtə] v. 振动,挥动

- promenade [ˌprɒmɪˈnɑːd] v. 在(某处)散步


拉尔夫·W. 埃利森(1914—1994),美国黑人作家,唯一的一部长篇小说《隐身人》(Invisible Man ,1952) 获得美国图书奖。另有散文集《影子和动作》(Shadow and Act ,1964)。他在国内任教,也去国外讲学,获多种荣誉。

上一篇:初中英语议论文和说明文:Shanghai Has Changed 上海变了样