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  • 下雪是自然界中一种美丽而令人惊叹的现象,给人们带来了许多乐趣和活动,例如打雪仗、滑雪、堆雪人等。同时,下雪也对交通和日常生活产生一定的影响,需要注意道路的安全和保暖措施。

    1. "Snowflakes are kisses from heaven." - "雪花是来自天堂的吻。" 2. "In the silence of falling snow, find peace within." - "在飞雪的寂静中,找到内心的宁静。" 3. "Snowflakes are winter's lullabies, gently singing us to sleep." - "雪花是冬天的摇篮曲,轻柔地唱着我们入眠。" 4. "A snow-covered world is a canvas for dreams to unfold." - "被雪覆盖的世界是梦想展现的画布。" 5. "Let the snowflakes dance around you and fill your heart with wonder." - "让雪花在你周围舞动,充满你的心灵的惊叹。" 6. "In a world of white, find beauty in simplicity." - "在白色的世界里,从简单中发现美丽。" 7. "Snowflakes are nature's way of reminding us of the magic in small miracles." - "雪花是大自然提醒我们小小奇迹中的魔力。" 8. "With every snowflake that falls, a story untold unfolds." - "随着每片飘落的雪花,一段未被讲述的故事展开。" 9. "The world becomes hushed and serene under a blanket of snow." - "在雪的覆盖下,世界变得寂静而宁和。" 10. "Snowflakes are nature's way of frosting the world with beauty." - "雪花是大自然用美丽装饰世界的方式。" 11. "When snow falls, nature listens." - "当雪花飘落,大自然在聆听。" 12. "A snowy day is an invitation to create memories and embrace the joy of the moment." - "一个下雪的日子是创造回忆和拥抱当下的邀请。" 13. "Snow brings a sense of wonder, like stepping into a winter fairytale." - "雪带来一种惊叹之感,就像走进一个冬季童话故事。" 14. "Snowflakes are whispers from a winter sky, telling us tales of beauty and grace." - "雪花是冬天天空的耳语,讲述着美丽和优雅的故事。" 15. "In the stillness of a snow-covered landscape, find solace for the soul." - "在被雪覆盖的静谧景色中,寻找心灵的慰藉。" 16. "Snowfall brings a sense of purity, washing away the worries of the world." - "雪的降临带来一种纯净感,洗去了世界的烦恼。" 17. "Each snowflake is a unique masterpiece, just like every individual." - "每一片雪花都是独特的杰作,就像每个人一样。" 18. "Snowfall transforms the ordinary into something extraordinary." - "雪的降临将平凡之物变得非凡。" 19. "Let the snowfall be a reminder to slow down, appreciate the beauty around you, and cherish the present moment." - "让雪花的飘落提醒你放慢脚步,欣赏周围的美丽,珍惜现在的时刻。" 20. "Winter whispers its secrets through the falling snow, inviting us to embrace its enchantment." - "冬天通过飘落的雪花低语着它的秘密,邀请我们拥抱它的魅力。"

    1. Snowfall - 雪花飘落
    2. Snowflake - 雪花
    3. Blizzard - 暴风雪
    4. Winter wonderland - 冬季仙境
    5. Snowstorm - 暴风雪
    6. Snowdrift - 积雪
    7. Snow-covered - 被雪覆盖的
    8. Snowball fight - 打雪仗
    9. Snowman - 雪人
    10. Sledding - 滑雪
    11. Skiing - 滑雪运动
    12. Frost - 霜冻
    13. Icicle - 冰柱
    14. Snowplow - 清雪车
    15. Snowbound - 被积雪阻塞的
    16. Winter sports - 冬季运动
    17. Winter coat - 冬季外套
    18. Slippery - 滑的
    19. Frozen - 冻结的
    20. Winter boots - 冬季靴子
    上一篇:常用短语动词用法归纳 使你的表达更加地道和自然