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1. 语法和拼写:初二年级英语水平的提升需要掌握基本的语法知识和正确使用拼写规则。在写作练习中,注意检查常见语法和拼写错误,例如动词时态、主谓一致、冠词用法、名词单复数等等。

2. 词汇和表达:积累词汇是提高写作能力的重要部分,在练习中可以多读多背单词,并逐渐扩展自己的词汇量。同时,要注重句型和表达方式的多样性和灵活性,运用不同的修辞手法来丰富文章内容。

3. 组织结构和段落划分:良好的文章组织结构和段落划分可以使文章整体结构更加清晰明了。学生可以尝试在写作中关注开头、主体和结尾,并逐步提高自己的段落划分技巧。

4. 阅读和思维:良好的阅读习惯和思维能力可以帮助学生理解题目要求和文章材料,并将其呈现出来。建议学生阅读大量英文阅读材料,并加强思维训练,例如逻辑思考和分析能力等等。

5. 整体印象:最后,需要注重文章的整体印象和语言的流畅程度。通过多次修改和润色,使文章更加流畅和容易理解,大幅提高文章的可读性和整体印象,以便获得更高的评价得分。

初二年级英语作文 : If I will be a teacher(双语+ 解析)

Do you think about you want to be what?If not,let us begin to do that for a while.I think it is important.If I will be a teacher,I won‘t let my students just be a know-nothing school pupil.I can get on well with my students and their parents.Because I will always talk with them about kids‘ study.Will I teach my students to learn to how to get good grades.I must teach them that!I can play basketball with my class students.We can play together.Although it is not enough to be a good teacher,I will tell them my life experience that let them know the biggest trouble is ourselves.We must win ourselves.After that we are the life winner and we are the best in our heart.We should paly apart in letting them improve students'study.








You know-nothing bookish hypocrite!


初二年级英语作文 :侏罗纪公园 Jurassic Park(双语+解析)

This summer, the hottest movie must belong to the Jurassic Park. The series of Jurassic Park is very popular around the world. When I saw the first part, I was very impressed by the dinosaur's world. The director was so talented that he made use of the computer technology to show people an amazing world. The audience could see all kinds of dinosaurs in the movie and learned something about these huge animals. In the movie, people and these big animals can't live together, because human being always wants to hurt them and make the profit. So there is war, the dinosaurs eat people and people try to kill them. It is time for human being to think about what they should do to the nature.



1.belong to.属于

例句:He did not belong to his set of friends.


2.Be impressed by 对...印象深刻

例句:Gorbachev could not help but be impressed by China's successes in international markets.



例句:He was not only talented but immensely popular with his colleagues.

4. make profit 获利,赚钱

例句:They are set to make a big fat profit.


初二英语英语:过去,现在和将来(Past,Now And Future) 

Long long ago, many families had three or four children. They couldn't look after everyone well, so the children must do everything by themselves. They were too poor to go to school. Some of them liked learning, but they had to go to find jobs to make money. Since they were children, they could do lots of difficult things like their parents. Sometimes they even did better than them! 

But now, many families have only one child and they regard their child as a pearl. They did everything for the children. Every day, when the child gets up, their parents help him to make the room clean. They also get breakfast ready for their child. When the child is free, they can sleep or do other things, but they needn't do any housework. So many children can't cook; wash their clothes, some don't even know how to clean the floor. That's too bad. In the future, many families will have computers. We can work on the computer instead of going out to do everything. The children also can learn on the computers, so they don't need to move! After a long time, we'll become fatter and fatter. We won't be able to do anything by ourselves! 

So, which way is good for us? We must think more.

初二英语英语:校园英语角(English Corner on the Campus) 

Every Thursday at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, we all go to the English comer on the campus to practice our spoken English. We talk about various topics we are interested in, such as campus life, the wide use of English, and information technology.


 We communicated with each other frankly, happily and freely. Our English has improved quickly by this means. We all believe that "practice makes perfect."


初二英语作文 :与雨共舞 Dance With the Rain

When the summer comes, the weather is so hot, it is rarely to see the rain. Today, when I wake up, I find the weather is chilly, it is going to rain. I am so happy, I miss the rain so much. Suddenly, the rain drops from the sky, I ran out of the house, looking at the sky, dancing with the rain. I feel so cool, then all my weariness has gone.


初二英语作文: He Is too Tired

Janet is a student of Grade Three. He once was a very active and happy boy. But everything has changed after he was addicted to electronic games. He never plays football with his companions any more. And when he sits in the classroom, he can't pay attention to what teachers say. He sleeps in the classes. And he spends less and less time in studying. As a result, he has fallen behind his class. But he becomes a completely different person after school is over. He stays in the hall of electronic games until it is closed. Ah, he is a strict fan of electronic games. Sometimes his parents can do nothing to stop him. Every morning in the school when we see that he is so weak after a night's "busyworking" , we really feel sad. He is too tired!        

初二英语作文: Saving Water(双语及词组学习)

One day, when I was washing my hands, my mother came to me and told me that I should not wash my hands with so much water. Until then did I realize that I had the habit of wasting water.In some cities, people even can't not take a shower every day. From then on, I start to save water.



was washing:was doing 一般是用于某个具体的过去时间

should not:should 有“理应...”的意思。 should not 的语气很强烈,表示对方做了不该做的事,说“不该..."“不应当...".

Until:prep.到…为止; 在…以前; conj.到…为止,在…以前; 直到…才;

Until直到….为止, not until直到…才



From then on : 从此; 从那时起; 一般用:“一般将来时;from then on,从那时起,一般用:”一般过去
