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• 增加环境意识,认识到我们个人的日常行为会影响气候。

• 减少使用化石燃料。减少驾车和飞行次数,多使用公共交通。

• 提高能源效率。在家中采用节能灯具和电器,调整空调/供暖温度。

• 减少垃圾回收。优先选择可重复使用的物品,少买塑料包装产品。








初中英语作文:Effects of Global Warming 全球变暖的影响

Global warming refers to the long-term rise in the average temperature of the Earth’s climate system. It is mainly caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to human activities. The effects of global warming are already apparent and will intensify in the coming decades.


The effects of global warming include rising sea levels, devastating floods, melting glaciers and ice sheets, extreme weather events like cyclones and heatwaves, loss of biodiversity, and food insecurity. Rising temperatures and sea levels pose risks to coastal cities and communities. Glacial melting will lead to shortage of freshwater for millions. Climate change will also worsen poverty in developing nations and exacerbate issues like food scarcity and migration crises.


As global temperatures continue to rise due to global warming, the impacts on the environment and humanity will also increase. Concerted international action through sustainable development, adoption of renewable energy sources, and reduced carbon emissions are vital to slow down climate change and mitigate its worst effects.



1. 使用事实和具体例子说明问题。开头直接说明全球变暖的定义和成因,然后举例说明其影响,更具说服力。

2. 使用有效的组织结构。首先简要概括全球变暖的影响,然后给出具体细节,最后评述未来趋势和应对措施。

3. 运用准确而客观的词汇。如rising temperatures、devastating floods、biodiversity 这些专业常见的词汇。语气中立不带主观情感。


5. 使用连词表示关联和逻辑。如and、but、so、as等连词连接句子,表达因果关系和严重性。


• Global warming - 全球变暖

• Greenhouse gases - 温室气体,如二氧化碳、甲烷等

• Climate change - 气候变化

• Rising temperature - 升高的温度

• Carbon emissions - 碳排放

• Fossil fuels - 化石燃料

• Renewable energy - 可再生能源

• Sea level rise - 海平面上升  

• Extreme weather - 极端天气

• Biodiversity loss - 生物多样性减少

• Food insecurity - 粮食不安全


• Global warming, caused by the greenhouse effect resulting from human activities that emit large amounts of greenhouse gases, has led to a rise in the earth's average surface temperature.

• The consequences of global warming, such as climate change, sea level rise, extreme weather events and degradation of ecosystems, pose severe risks to humanity and the environment. 

• The climate is changing at an unprecedented rate and scale due to greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.

• Scientists warn that unless urgent action is taken to reduce greenhouse gases, the global temperature could increase by more than 2°C by the end of this century and cause irreversible damage.

• To mitigate the effects of climate change, it is imperative that governments, businesses and individuals transition to renewable energy sources, adopt more sustainable practices and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels.

• International cooperation will be needed to implement effective solutions such as the Paris Climate Agreement, which aims to limit global temperature rise to well below 2°C.

• The use of renewable energy and improvements in energy efficiency offer hope that we can curb greenhouse emissions in time to avoid the worst consequences of global warming. Nevertheless, bolder actions are still needed.

• Young people today will inherit a planet profoundly altered by global warming, so it is the responsibility of current generations to take action to preserve the world for future generations.

Hope these examples of expressions on global warming help! Let me know if you have any other questions.


• 陈述事实:

Facts show/indicate/suggest that...

Studies reveal/prove/demonstrate...

Statistics show a(n)...increase/decrease in...

• 说明原因:

The main/primary reason for...is...  

This is largely due to the fact that...

The main factors contributing to...are...

• 描述结果:

As a result,...  


This has led to...

• 给出建议: 

It is recommended/advised that...

One possible solution would be to...

A better approach would be...

• 表示重点:


More importantly,... 

What is most significant,...

• 表示可能性: 

It is likely that...   

There is a possibility that...

It may well be the case that...   

• 表示必要性:

It is crucial/essential/imperative that...    

There is an urgent need for...

We must/have to/need to...

• 表示结果:

This has resulted in...    

As a consequence,...

This has led to...

• 表示趋势:

There has been a(n)...tendency/trend toward...

The number/rate of...has been on the rise/increase.

上一篇:初中英语作文:某事的重要性 The Importance of sth