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1. **地势高而开阔:** 高地通常被认为拥有较好的风水,因为它们可以获得更多的阳光和清新空气。

2. **水源丰富:** 靠近清澈流动的水源,如河流、湖泊或泉水,被认为是良好的风水。

3. **环境宁静:** 远离喧嚣的城市,靠近自然环境的住宅被认为拥有良好的风水。

4. **形状规则:** 方正或矩形的住宅被认为拥有较好的风水,因为它们能够保持正能量流动。

5. **阳光充足:** 光线充足的住宅被认为能够吸引更多的积极能量。



Geomantic learn to think, the geomantic flourishing of a residence sufferred a variety of element effects, include landform, current, surroundings to wait. Generally speaking, the following elements are thought pair of residences are geomantic have positive effect:

1.** relief is high and open: ** upland is thought to have normally better geomantic, because they can achieve more sunshine and fresh air.

2.** fountainhead is rich: ** approachs the source of water of clear flow, be like river, laky or spring, be considered as good geomantic.

3.** environment is halcyon: ** is far from blatant city, the house that approachs environment is thought to have good geomantic.

4.** form is regular: ** Founder or rectangular residence are thought to have better geomantic, because they can maintain energy flows.

5.** is sunny: The residence with ** enough light is thought to be able to draw more active energy.

However, geomantic idea may differ somewhat in different culture and area, some people may pay attention to other factor more. Important is, to a person, best choice accords with him to want the house of be fond of of sue for peace, is the view with geomantic basis not just.
