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1. **金钱树(绿萝)**:被认为能够旺财,招财进宝,并且有辟邪的效果。

2. **吉祥树(铁树)**:具有辟邪、化煞的功效,也能够带来财运。

3. **幸运竹**:象征幸福和吉祥,有助于提升财运和辟邪。

4. **紫罗兰**:被认为能够驱邪、招财进宝,并且带来好运。

5. **兰花**:在中国传统文化中,兰花有辟邪的作用,也被视为能够吸引财富的植物。



In the tradition geomantic in learning, it is OK that a few miniascapes are thought money of exorcise evil spirits, flourishing. Common a few miniascape include:

1.** money cultivates (green trailing plants) ** : Be thought can flourishing money, action money enters treasure, and have the effect of exorcise evil spirits.

2.** lucky tree (sago cycas) ** : Have exorcise evil spirits, change evil spirit effect, also can bring money luck.

3.** of ** lucky bamboo: Indicative and happy He Jixiang, conduce to promotion money carry and exorcise evil spirits.

4.** violet ** : Be thought can money of exorcise, action enters treasure, and bring lucky.

5.** orchid ** : In Chinese traditional culture, orchid has the effect of exorcise evil spirits, also be regarded as the vegetable that can draw money.

Nevertheless, those who need an attention is, the most important when choosing miniascape is according to the individual be fond of and actual condition undertake choosing, and put the position also have very big effect. Had better choose according to oneself be fond of and actual condition, is not to rely on traditional idea completely.
