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1. 书籍:摆放一些书籍,尤其是与个人兴趣、学业相关的书籍,可以增加学习氛围,激发学习动力。
2. 学习用具:如笔、纸、文具盒等,让学习用具在这个位置,有助于提醒并方便学习。
3. 笔筒:选择一个美观实用的笔筒,摆放在东南文昌位,有助于聚集学业运势。
4. 艺术品:如书法、绘画等艺术作品,可以提升审美,激发智慧。
5. 笔记本电脑或学习用电子设备:在今天的数字化时代,电子设备也是学习的重要工具,适当摆放在这个位置也是可以的。



Southeast article prosperous it is the southeast direction in pointing to a building, the movement power that what Wen Chang points to is the respect such as school work, culture, knowledge. In southeast article prosperous put a few can the article of promotional wisdom and power of school work movement can bring active energy. A few common southeast article prosperous put goods includes:

1.Book: Put a few books, especially the book related to individual interest, school work, can add study atmosphere, invoke study power.
2.Learn appliance: Wait like pen, paper, writing case, let learn appliance to be in this position, conduce to remind and convenient study.
3.Pen container: Choose a beautiful and practical pen container, put in southeast article prosperous, conduce to collect power of school work movement.
4.Artwork: Wait for work of art like calligraphy, brushwork, can promote aesthetic, arouse wisdom.
5.Notebook computer or study use electronic device: In today's digitlization times, electronic equipment also is the main tool of study, put appropriately in this position also be possible.

No matter put what goods, the key is to keep neat and clear, ensure can let energy arranges flow to move.
