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1. 准备:在供桌上摆放干净整齐,点上香烛,向观音像敬上香。

2. 开始念经:可以选择观音经或者普门品等经文,开始用虔诚的心态开始念诵。

3. 虔诚念词:可以轻声念诵,或者内心默念。在念经时,要全身心地专注,表达虔诚之心。

4. 求愿祈福:在念经的过程中,可以向观音菩萨祈求健康、平安、幸福等,心诚则灵。

5. 结束:念经结束后,可以恭敬地向观音像行三鞠躬礼,表达敬意。



Of consecrate avalokitesvara it is OK to read classics means simple cent is the following paces:

1.Preparation: Put clean on altar orderly, the joss sticks and candles on the dot, resemble to avalokitesvara sincerely yours sweet.

2.Begin recite scriptures: Can choose avalokitesvara classics or the lection such as Pumenpin, begin to begin to recite with devotional state of mind.

3.Attend a speech piously: Can recite softly, or inner silent reads aloud. When recite scriptures, want systemic a person's mind dedicated, convey devotional heart.

4.Beg wish pray blessing: In the process of recite scriptures, can wait invocatory health, in safety, happily to avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, heart sincere clever.

5.End: After recite scriptures ends, can resemble deferentially going to avalokitesvara 3 bow ceremony, expressive devoir.

When consecrate avalokitesvara, devotional state of mind is the most important, want a heart to put good faith only, avalokitesvara Bodhisattva will surely be listened attentively to.
