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1. **吊兰**:被认为能够吸收负面能量,增进家庭和谐。
2. **绿萝**:被认为能够带来财富和好运。
3. **金钱树**:象征财富和好运,被认为能够吸引财富。
4. **紫罗兰**:被认为有净化空气和吸收负能量的作用。



Be in geomantic on, some people believe the plant can affect the gas field that occupies the home or office. Although the flowers sort of cuttage is not certain can immediate impact is geomantic, but the gas field that some people think the following kinds of plants conduce to promotion occupying the home or office:

1.** bracketplant ** : Be thought to be able to draw negative energy, promotional family is harmonious.
2.** of ** green trailing plants: Be thought to be able to bring fortune become reconciled to carry.
3.** money cultivates ** : Indicative fortune become reconciled carries, be thought to be able to draw money.
4.** violet ** : Be thought to have purify air and the effect that absorb negative energy.

As a whole, choosing cuttage of which kinds of flowers is not the element with only geomantic effect, if put construction of the position, building to wait,still have other factor as much important. Select a kind of plant that you like, set it the position that thinks to suit in you, the space that may be you brings better atmosphere.
