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1. **投资理财**:由于虎的个性通常充满活力和冒险精神,可以考虑适合自己的投资项目,如股票、基金、房地产等。但务必谨慎投资,避免过度冒险。

2. **创业**:虎的人通常具有领导才能和创业精神,可以考虑创办自己的企业或开展个人业务,通过自己的努力和智慧来赚取财富。

3. **教育培训**:可以考虑利用自己的专业知识或技能,开设培训班或提供教育咨询服务,通过分享知识来获取收入。

4. **艺术创作**:如果具有艺术天赋或创作才华,可以考虑从事艺术创作,如绘画、音乐、文学等,通过作品的销售或展示来实现财富积累。

5. **人际关系**:虎的人通常具有很强的人际交往能力,可以通过拓展人脉关系,寻找商机和合作伙伴,从而获得财富机会。



The person that belongs to a tiger gets together in the choice when money way, can consider the following kinds of way:

1.** invests ** of conduct financial transactions: The individual character as a result of the tiger normally red-blooded with adventurous spirit, can consider to fit oneself investment project, wait like stock, fund, estate. But be sure to invest carefully, avoid excessive risk.

2.** poineering ** : The person of the tiger has a leader to just can be mixed normally poineering spirit, can consider to establish oneself enterprise or begin individual professional work, the effort that passes oneself and wisdom will earn money.

3.** education grooms ** : Can consider to use oneself professional knowledge or mastery of a skill or technique, open groom class or offer education to seek advice from a service, will get income through sharing knowledge.

4.** art creates ** : If have artistic endowment or creation talent, can consider to be engaged in artistic creation, wait like painterly, music, literature, carry the sale of work or reveal will realize fortune to accumulate.

5.** of ** human relation: The person of the tiger has very strong human truck capacity normally, can concern through extending person arteries and veins, seek business chance and partner, gain fortune opportunity thereby.

No matter choose why to be planted means, need careful consideration, the interest that combines oneself, ability and market demand come what suit most certainly get together money way.
