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1. 高地:高地通常被认为有较好的风水,因为它们能够接收到更多的阳气。这意味着房子建在山坡上或是高台附近可能会有较好的风水。

2. 阳光充足的地方:阳光充足的地方能够吸收更多的正能量,有利于居住者的健康和事业。因此,房子建在阳光充足的地方通常也被认为具有较好的风水。

3. 靠近水源的地方:水被认为是财富和财运的象征,在风水学中,靠近水源的地方通常被认为具有较好的风水。这包括河流、湖泊、或是清澈流动的小溪等。

4. 环境优美的地方:周围环境舒适宜人、自然景观优美的地方通常也被认为具有较好的风水。



Geomantic learn to go up think, of the house geomantic get the influence of a variety of elements such as relief of geographical environment, landform, surroundings. Generally speaking, the following plot is considered as geomantic relatively of flourishing:

1.Upland: The upland is thought to have normally better geomantic, because they can be received,enrage to more this world. The house is built on the hillside or this is meant is tall it is better to may have near the stage geomantic.

2.Sunny place: Sunny place can be absorbed more energy, be helpful for the health of habitant and career. Accordingly, the house is built in sunny place to also be thought to have normally better geomantic.

3.Stand by the place of fountainhead: What water is considered as fortune and money carry is indicative, be in geomantic in learning, it is better to stand by the place of fountainhead to be thought to have normally geomantic. This includes river, laky, or the brook that is clear flow.

4.The place with beautiful environment: Surroundings is comfortable and delightful, natural the place with beautiful landscape also is thought to have normally better geomantic.

Those who need an attention is, geomantic the idea that learning is a kind of tradition, its science sex and objectivity are put in controversy. Different culture and area also differ somewhat to geomantic understanding and acknowledge. Accordingly, when choosing a house, besides the consideration geomantic outside, the element such as sex of advantage of the actual condition that still should consider a building integratedly, situation, traffic.
